

Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2011
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earlier today i was looking in my betta tank and i spotted these two

i planted this tank about a week or so that where they have come from?..are they bad for the tank? should i be worried? never had snails in a tank before..sort of took me by surprise :/
bladder snails I believe. They are fine. They have a habit of infesting a tank IF you have a waste management issue. In a properly balanced tank I would not worry.
Yes, they would've come in on the plants. Their population will be proportional to waste/extra food in the tank.if you don't overfeed you should be fine.
They're fine, ive had them with my axolotl (from plants too probably) they actually make great free cleanup crews! :good:
oh thank god thats ok then, betta doesn't seem to be interested in them..they sure do move quick tho! :eek:
While they are harmful to your Betta, you should definitely keep an eye on them. From my experience, they have a tendency to multiply quite rapidly. If they're the same type of snails we had (came with live plants), they started multiplying like crazy.
they appeared in one of my tanks too...and managed to get into all three now...guld knows how....
I dont have wood OR plants. I guessed they were hiding in the substrate in the 3rd tank....but how they got in the others is a mystery to me. They do multiply very quickly ...i de-snailed one of my tanks yesterday...and have seen more babies today. :sly:
oh it's not like you can see them and a few here and there i don't mind..i only posted it here coz i didn't know if they were harmful to my betta. im tempted to dump it in the coldwater tank with the oranda,black moor and fantail..poor snail won't last 10 seconds..those fat gits will eat everything lol

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