

New Member
Jan 15, 2013
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Doncaster - UK
Hi Guys,

Reading up on here, it seems I've made a bit of an error. I've had a 11 gallon tank for the last 3 months and, following the guy at the store's advice, I've stocked it with 4 mollies. However, the advice on here seems to suggest that you shouldn't keep mollies in anything less than a 30 gallon tank. Obviously, I'm keen to ensure their welfare, and I perform regular water changes and my test results always come back good, but I'm not sure what to do for the best?

Should I keep them in there, or see if I can take them back to the shop and replace them with something else? If so, what would you advise I stocked the tank with?

Thanks in advance!
Blimey, who said 30galls? Maybe sailfin mollies, cos they are a bit larger, but 4 normal mollies in an 11g (~50l) shouldn't be too bad. It would limit your scope for tankmates though.
What are the dimensions of the tank - the usual recommendation is a 60cm tank to give them enough swimming space as they are a pretty active fish. Generally speaking longer tanks are better than the same volume higher tanks.

In terms of biload you are not (IMO) overstocked but you are not far away.

I assume you didn't cycle the tank before adding the fish - was over to the begginers resource centre as you a likely to be in a fish in cycle. The advice there will give you the best chance of giving your fish a long healthy life.
the_lock_man, it was all over the forums in here. Thanks Shelster
And Leighton_87, it's pretty much a cube shape. I read up before I started and had the tank set up a week before I added anything. Then I added 2 female mollies, then 2 weeks later a male and a female. I've got testing kits for Ammonia, Nitrates and PH and all are good. Had a few Nitrate spikes shortly after adding fish, but I've been doing 20% water changes ever week (at least) and used filter start bacteria as well.

(Oh, and I've got a tiny snail as well, but I didn't want it. It stowed away on a plant!)

Would you guys suggest 4 would be ok in there? Thanks for the replies guys.
And on this note, over the last week, one of the mollies (largest female) has become more and more aggressive. She dominates the tank, and if the other 3 come out of hiding she goes for them. The others are spending more and more time hiding behind the filter.... And advice guys?
I always found mollies temperaments to be wildly variable. As I had all females, I bought a male, to, erm, occupy her attentions. It worked right up until she decided to bully him as well. There isn't a great deal you can do, short of removing her from the tank.

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