Ernie Has Moved Into His New Tank


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
South Australia
Hi all,
I was just thinking how well Ernie my Betta is getting along with all of his tankmates, when I noticed that one of his long flowing fins is missing! At the base there is just a white stumpy bit. I've never seen any of the other fish damaging his fins. I guess he could have got it caught on something. Surely it wouldn't have come off at the base if someone was nipping at the end???? What do you think happened? Does he need some medicine to stop it from getting infected. My husband's going to freak out if I buy a new tank and heater. I'm not sure what to do.
you got a picci available? If someone was nipping badly they are able to do damage that severe, you got a tank or breeding trap you could isolate him in for now?

Sorry for all the questions!
No I haven't got anything to put him in. That's why I'm stressing out. When I say his fin is missing, I mean one of those thin strands that the Crowntails have. I'll try and take a pic.......
ok...will await a pic, when's the soonest you can get an 'emergency' home for him? Just a £2 livebearer birthing trap will do until you can either find out who's nippy or get a hospital tank.

Can you see there's a gap in his back fin? That's the spot where one of his tasels is missing. I've always thought he was better off than Bettas who live on their own with nothing to do all day, but maybe that's what he needs. If I can't afford to set him up in a nice interesting tank/bowl, I might see if my LFS wants him. I'm not sure they would even taken him now though, seeing as he's injured and all. Poor Ernie.

Will it grow back?
it will grow back, sometimes they need a bit of extra help (s'pose it depends on their age, the water, and tankmates). If you want to take him back they will probably take him, if not then you can always wait for it to grow back before you take him.

It doesn't cost that much to set up a smaller aquarium, I got an eclipse (plastic but it's always cheaper) 14 litre to use as a hospital/quarantine tank for £15 and a 25w heater for £5, the Eclipse came with a mini filter and gravel, but it's up to you.

If his fins needed some help to heal other than clean water can you get hold of bettafix/melafix?
What are his tankmates?

Ive had females in with tetras,catfish and even kissing gourami, but the only sure thing Ive seen for males are Corys.

One thing you need to do is watch them with the lights down.

I remember watching my old Betta with some danios and he was fine. I turned off the light in the tank and the room and watched them with a distant light source and the Betta was tearing around the tank trying to get everyone. He'd behave when the lights were on, but once they went down the predator in him came out.

If you cant afford another tank, can you get a decent sized bowl to put him in for now?
Jonz, the tankmates of Ernie are in Branjie's sig :nod: for you to have a look at
yeah those do grow back especially quickly on the dorsal fins. my fish happened to have lost nearly all of his fins 2 weeks ago. the dorsal fin bones seem to grow back at an alarming rate. he should be ok in a week, just add some bettafix of 1/2 dosage of melafix so make sure he doesn't get fin rot
Even if you can't set him up with a tank right now you can always set him up in something else, nearly anything that will hold a gallon or more that hasn't seen soap is a quick fix for a tank. The Gourami and him probably don't get along very well both are territorial. Decorating it isn't all that important a cave place and a small plant live for silk will make him happy. For a cave even just a small water glass will work.
Thanks for your replies everyone. What a relief to hear that his tasel will grow back. I feel so guilty. I'm even starting to wonder if I got it caught under the gravel vac when I did a water change/gravel clean yesterday. I was watching, but looking into a deep tank from above, who knows.

I know I could put him in anything, but it's winter here, and my main concern is the heater. Here heaters are more expensive that small tanks or bowls . My house gets to 15 degrees celcius overnight, which is too cold for a Betta. Don't worry, I'll find something today, and let you know how I get on.

I'll see about getting him some Bettafix/Melafix. I've also read on this forum that a bit of salt is healthy for Bettas. I'll ask about that at the LFS.

Oh and it's funny that people keep thinking my Gourami would be a problem. He's the most placid fish in the tank. I do sneak up and peak on the tank at night time, and haven't seen any trouble. My Black Ghost is busy then, but he's really small, and his mouth probably isn't bigger than a Tetra's. Yes, I know he will grow.

Thanks everyone.
Ernie update: About a third of his tasel/fin grew back overnight. I'm blown away. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Thanks Clinton

I've made a few calls, and I'll most likely be getting Ernie a small tank and heater today. Can anyone tell me how to transfer him? Would it be o.k to get some water from the current tank (with a biological filter), and once it's the correct temp, transfer him. How long before I should start adding aged tap water to get him used to frequent water changes and no filter?
i would say that method is fine for tank transfer.
when i do it, i do a 30% or so water change in the main tank, then fill the new tank about 60% with the newly changed water in the old tank, then top up with new dechlorinated tapwater. This makes the new tank mostly full of new water, with just a bit of the original tankwater in it, and my (past- i have none currently) bettas have been fine with it- they seem to enjoy the new water. Also, when i did water changes in unfiltered betta tanks, i did 80-100% every time, (usually 3xper fortnight), and again, the bettas seemed to enjoy it rather than be stressed by it.
if you are worried, a gradual change will probably be safer, but i have never had a problem with large water changes and bettas, even when going from tank to tank (ie straight out of the old tank into 100% new water).
that is a beautiful betta by the way......makes me want to get another one!

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