Erm... Odd Delivery


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

Had a rather odd delivery sent to me today.
Does anyone know if I can trace a package from who sent it?

Cause this morning I got a box sent by basic first class....
When I opend it there was 2 Male and 7 Female Guppies in it.......

There was no name on the box just my address and no return address.....

Thing is I already have 18 fishies in my tank.

10 Black Neons
8 Neon

All Tetra of course lol.

The tanks only 21G although it has air bars and over powerd filter haha

Just wanna know if theres anyway to find out where they came from.
Were they delivered by courier? If so, the courier must have an address of where they picked up from...
I would maybe speak to the courier company. Im sure they will be able to trace it. Only problem is that they may not give you there details to contact them.

Good luck with it.
I have spoken with Royal Mail this morning.
All they said was since they parcel was sent standard 1st class there is no records of it's delivery.
Only recorded and specials have the senders details.

No idea what I'm gonna do, I have had to put them in my tank til I work it out, they seem happy enough with the Tetras.
Two of the females are deff preggie not sure how long til they will pop tho.
Well someones missing some fish :lol:

Royal mail 1st class - jeez dont people know better, poor guppies, well at least they are in good hands now, even though you dont have the room, Im sure you will look after them as well as you can.
Just going over tank stats and I should be able to keep them.
Ok so 18 tetras and 9 guppies might be abit on the crowded side but with lots of water changes and the filter working overtime it should be fine.

I have some Silk Plants coming on Friday too I was in middle of a tank revamp lol.

well if there's a mix up at least they've ended up with someone with at least a semi suitable tank, what if they'd gone to someone with no tank at all, or worse still not been delivered and ended up sat in the royal mail sorting office for a week :crazy:
Wow, that's odd, a couple months ago a stack of Aquarium Fish International showed up outside my office building, and I have no idea where they came from.
I think the tanks gonna be fine with them, Be better when silk plants arrive but they seem happy enough, One of the females has passed away but no signs of illness it looks to be pure shock.

All the others are happily swimming around.

The males are really nice ones a deep purple with light purple fins and the other has like a glowing tiger print lol.

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