the joys of second hand marine set ups...
Well pic one seems to be a hob filter not ideal for marine as they tend to produce ALOT of nitrates,,
pic 2&3 is a HOB sump theese can e quite effective if used right, can`t really tell from the pic how yours works (we had one when we picked our tank up, its now a hob fuge we knock all the dividers out and it seems to be working well...
pic 4 is ALOT of starter units.. not much can be said if the make the tube light up then they aint junk.
pic 5&6 is 2 power heads and a large sump/return pump. on the right hand side and 2 internal filters on the left, the internals are handy for housing rowa phos ect...
pick 7 is salt (kent is a decent brand but if its a few months old check its not full of moisture when we got our tank the salt was wet and we found it was full of nitrates.
pic 8 is IMHO a very dangerous product, you cut the plugs off your lights heaters filters ect and wire them into this, howver its very easy for water to get into it and for you to get a belt off one (i know) its supposed to mean you only need one socket for the tank but its useless.
pic 9 loks like a uv steraliser, theese are great little things but the bulbs need changing often, and on a marine tan they kill off all the pods and other cool things that you want in the tank