

Sep 19, 2005
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Hello all,

Ive been reading alot of these posts and pinned topics and am dreaming atm. I am going to start a SW tank, but not right now! I bought a tank and went straight into tropical fish, not even giving SW any thought... i thought no way, to hard for begginers only for people who know what they are doing and have kept fish for years and years -_- i have lernt so much about tropical fish just from reading and asking questions so thought i could do a marine tank!?! As i said before it wont be now but i want to read about it and get to know what im doing first. theres a few questions i hope someone could answere please :thumbs:

1. What equipment do i need (assume i know nothing, even about filters) for a 45G tank? If possible could you give example of brand (UK) so i can add up how much i will need (£££) :)

2. Is there like a rule for how much live rock i need? if so, how much should/could i get?

3. Can a begginer keep corals and mushrooms?

4. Is there anything special i would need to keep corals?

5. Can i keep shrimp, crabs, Urchins , Oysters, Stars fish and other thing like that with fish? or at all? (cant really keep crabs with fish in FW, been told they eat the fish)

6. What kinda fish is good for begginers?

Hope someone can help me :huh:


Theres quite a few threads recently on this so its worth reading through them to get different opinions.

Best to go for a complete 2nd hand setup which for a decent one will cost £500 ish, you need tank, cabinet, protein skimmer (deltec or aquamedic), strong lighting, halide or T5, stong powerheads for water movement.

You need generally around .5kg of liverock per gallon, its costs around £10 per kg so live rock alone will cost you a few hundred.

A beginner can keep corals but they need excelent water quality so you need to know enough to ensure your water is good.

You can keep shrimp, crabs, starfish (not in a new tank) but with all these you need to make sure the ones you buy wont eat fish or corals.

Clown fish are usually hardy if they are tank bred

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