Equipment For My Fish House.


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
North East UK
Hey guys

Can you help me out with some info about equipment I need to buy?

Ok, say I had a rack of tanks. All tanks measure 24x12x15(H) and there was 15 of them on a rack. I wanted to run 2 airlines to each tank (one for sponge/floss filter, the other for an airstone). I make that 30 airlines altogether.

Guys, what specific air pump do I need to cover the 15 tanks? I would like to be able to reduce the air flow to the tanks via the chosen pump. Would also like to connect direct with airline and pipework?

Can I get anything for around £100?

I just want to make sure I buy the correct stuff (especially the large pumps, etc). :)
I'm running an Alita AL-80 in my fishroom, 70 some outlets. I ran 3/4" pvc around the room, tapping in pipe valves. It's easier to dry fit the lengths, take down the section that needs valves, then drill, tap, & install valves. If you can drill a 1/4" hole in plastic & screw in a metal valve it's easy work. The valves adjust air flow, you will need to install a bleed valve, as it is better for the pump to bleed off excess pressure than to choke it off.

I got the pump & most of the valves from Angels Plus;

All tanks have a sponge or air stone running, many have box filters if they have angels pea size or better. The sponges are low flow bio filtration, the box filters are higher flow mechanical filtration. I can get enough air to make the box filter perform as well as a hob, but it is noisy with that much bubbling. The pump is quiet enough to be in the room under my son's bedroom, every few days I shut down the bleed & open the box valves for several hours to remove floating debris.
I have no experience with that pump, but at 65 lpm with a half decent psi rating it should knock water out of the tank with 18 lines. Besides looking into how many psi it puts out I would be concerned about durability. I spent about 6 months looking into pumps before I decided to go with the Alita.

I would go with a good linear pump rather than a diaphragm, as that pump seems to be. It sounds as if it has several outlets, rather than just one. Installing pipe valves in pvc is really no more difficult than drilling a pilot hole in wood and installing a screw, the valves screw right in. I would also go larger than what you need with the pump, fishrooms have a way of expanding.

I know of several good fishroom supply outfits in the US, but none in the UK, I'll ask around for you.
personally I would avoid the koi air pumps, they dont seem to last the distance, same with hailea, which are very noisy.,

eventually I opted fro a Hi-blow 40, (AKA Hagen "the pump") loads of air & totally reliable, Mine has been running for 3.5 years without being serviced. ( try ebay)

I currently run 22 stones/filters off it (some over 2'deep) & still have more air than I can use.

install as tolak's post.
For the airline side of things you can get a large pump and make a ring main in the ceiling of you chosen building.
Plain and simple PVC piping with 4 90' corners. Cut the piping to suit seal the corner joints thoroughly (airtight) You can now affix this to the ceiling using pipe brackets.
Now you have the basics and a nice tidy job to boot.
At one end feed your pump into the main, drill a hole/s in the mainpipe and connect airline straight connector/s to it and seal.
Then its just a question of how many bleeders you wish to take off the main. Each bleeder can go to a bank of gangvalves to run what ever tanks you have.
Use metal valves as the plastic ones are ok for normal everyday aquarium use but for a fish house metal ones are better.
The ring main works under pressure so a relatively small pump can knock out some LPH. I used 2 small rena 301's to sponge filter around 30 tanks using that method.
One thing to keep in mind is that most large airpumps produce quite high noise levels so keep that in mind when shopping for one.
I reckon even a Hailea Hi Blo 70 Air Pump would suit your needs and wouldn't break the bank. You'd even get all the pipework, brackets, airline and valves for your £100.

Tolak told me of your plight so I hope this little tip helps
Thanks for the advice guys :good:

BigC, do you know of a single website that sells everything I need for this air system?

EDIT: If someone can show me everything I need, I'll work out how it all goes together when it arrives :D
I dont think youll get all that at an aquarium supply shop. As the pipework they sell will be much more expensive as its usually a better, fish safe quality for sump plumbing etc.
B & Q for the pipework and bends
or your LFS
for you Algarde straight connectors and Gang-valves

Ps Dont forget the silicone sealant.
Thanks mate :good:

I just found this: (scroll down)


An 18 way manifold for £11. If I bought 2, I would have 36 individual controls..right.

Dumb question. Are these manifolds hollow all the way through? So I could put as many as I want on the main air pipe? Or is it just better to drill the pipe near each tank and add seperate valves?

If the link takes you to the homepage. You'll find the manifolds under the Air Accessories section.
If it were me I'd assertain where my tanks are positioned and run bleeders of the ringmain close by, ending in one of those manifolds.
I wouldnt connect manifold to maifold so to speak.
I would have bought much smaller gangs (number wise) say 5 ways. Because your gonna wonder when all the tubing is fitted "which tap runs to which tank"
Believe me you will.
Anyway that said, perhaps some sort of colour code will have to be employed.
You wont believe how much air you have at your disposal using this method.
I'd ditch the airstones, can see why you'd need them. If you set on using them then the wooden diffusers are best. (finer bubbles)
Nice one BigC :good:

Going to order 2 of them.

Don't just want to order these...a bit cheeky, but if you can see anything else on that site that i may need..please let me know mate.

I'll order everything tonight. I have ordered silicone airline from another site, that's about all I have at the moment.

Edit: Once I've rounded everything up from various sites, I'll list it here..before I buy. You guys could check it for me?
Have you bought the filters yet.
As I have a friend who sells them (killifish fraternity)

you'll need the straight connectors for tapping and bleeding into and off the ringmain.
The pump, straight connectors, mainfolds and airline is all you need.
Best to place you pump tap (input) at opposite end of the ringmain from where your bleeding from.

Have you bought the filters yet.
As I have a friend who sells them (killifish fraternity)

Yeah, I have a fair few to start with. 4 plastic corner filters/6 foam hang/stick on side/2 large circular foam/2 medium/2 small. Should have around 16-20 to start me off. :) If I run out BigC, could well be in touch for some of those filters :good:
No problemo.
So you know what direction your heading now then. If you get stuck (cant see that you will) then just drop a line
Ok I have around 6 different aquatic shops open in my

Found this site for gravel/rocks/etc.

Random many kilo would it take to cover a 24x12x15 tank with 1"of substrate (gravel/sand).

Thinking about ordering some japanese polished pebbles, lava rock and substrate. They sell the lava rock in 10kg consignments of various sizes for £16.35 Can anybody give me a better idea of how much rock I would be getting for my money?

Still rounding up the air system stuff....

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