🐠 TOTM VOTE NOW - November 2023 Tank of the Month contest (31 gal & larger)

Vote Now - NovemberRl 2023 Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

31 gallons and larger
Please Vote Now
We have 10 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' November 2023 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to poll at the top of this thread, click on your choice for TOTM, and then click the "Cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. You are not allowed to update your entry picture or video once voting has started.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in their profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.
This poll will end on November 12th at 5:46 PM (ET) US.
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This is my 55 gallon tank. The largest tank I have.

Java Fern
Salvinia Minima - Water Spangle
Amazon Frogbit
Lucky Bamboo & Golden Pothos *In hang on back planters
Christmas Moss
Scarlet Temple
Tiger Lotus
Dwarf Hairgrass
Long Grass of some sort
  • Fish Food: Fish Flakes *once per day | San Francisco Bay Brand Frozen brine shrimp *once per week
  • Live stock:
Angel Fish ( 2 )
GloFish Danio ( 1 )
GloFish Tetra ( 4 )
Neon Tetra ( 3 )
Glodust Lyretail Molly ( 4 )
Guppy ( 1 )
Hemigrammus levis Tetra ( 1 )
Panda Garra ( 1 )
Rummy Nose Tetra ( 4 )
Tiger Nerite Snails ( 19 )
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Tank Size: 39 gallon
  • Tank Age: 1 year
  • Water Changes: 30% every week
  • Lighting: Sinkor LED 60cm 20W with a timer
  • Heater: none
  • Filtration: JKA-IP 200 and an Airstone with some cheap chinese airpump with 1,5 l/min
  • Substrate: Mix of sand and small gravel with some larger pebble deocrations top
  • Plants:
Java Fern, Java Fern Windelow
Java Moss, some Monoselenium as well

  • Live stock:
White Cloud Mountain minnow, both gold and normal color variant, including fry of various size (40x)
Panda Garra (7x)
Sewellia lineolata (3x)
black helmet snail

The picture is making it look more yellowish than it really is. There is algae on the glass and the stones for the hillstreams and the airstone is also a recent addition, running only during the day (as it bothers me at night) for the hillstreams, as an attempt to make them more comfortable
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Heres my 40g breeder.
Neolamprologus Similis
Jungle val
Dwarf sag
Duckweed(not by choice)

Heater is a cheap one from amzon.
Filter is an aquaclear 50.
Sand is pfs.
Rocks are from the mountains near me.
Wood is mopani

The fish have bred twice in the almost 2 years I've had them.
Had to trim the jungle val because some of it was nearing 5 ft.

Having some algae problems in this tank.

I can upload a verification pic when the lights come on tomorrow.
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Tank age 3 months
Water changes 30% every other week
40 gallon breeder
36 inch aquarium, co-op LED light
2 aquarium co-op sponge filters
2 50 watt aquarium co-op heaters
Shark Pro 500
3 large pieces of driftwood
15 pounds of stone
10 pounds of black and white rock
40 pounds of large sand substrate
Aquarium co-op, easy, green root tabs, and easy green fertilizer
Frog bit floaters, jungle val, one temple plant propagated into five, various crypts, Anubis, attached to Rock and Wood, tiger lotus, flame sword.
10 phoenix rasboras
11 lamp eye rasboras
10 rummy nose tetra
6 dwarf corydoras (need a few more been waiting for them to be in stock)
2 dwarf grourami
1 Flash pleco l204
2 purple mystery snails
Various Neocardina shrimp
Various hitchhiker Ramshorn snai
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0001 TOTM - Stephan-30-10-2023.jpg

This is my 75 gallon tank:

9 - Angels (all related resulting from previous breeding efforts, 3 generations, most are actually culls, but had nice personalities so I kept them as a group)
2 - Black Neons
1 - Ember (the only remaining ember that was missed when I re-homed a number of them, he has been with this group of Angels for some time now)

Multitude of ramshorn snails both gray and red body types
2 - Nerites

- 1.0/2.0 mm purchased gravel, natural rock with some nice red tones

- Various, inert, rocks I have collected, including Jasper, Obsidian, and banded Gneiss
- Wood locally collected western cedar and red alder

- Jungle Val (Vallisneria americana - I believe)
- Other plants I have forgotten the name of pulled from other tanks.
- Difficult to get plants to grow under the dense vals that cover 2/3rds the top of the tank.

- Fluval 407 canister filter
- Fluval 300 watt heater
- Nicrew G2 at full strength now, 9 hours

The tank was laid out to have two zones the lighted zone to the right and the dark zone to the left. When they angels breed, every month 1 or 2 days after water changes, they always use the large rock to the left. The middle piece of wood is a hollow stump I put in the tank to provide shelter for the ember and neons but they don't use it, the smaller angels do. The jungle val is all full length with some leaves in the 2 meters (6') in length, it is what I use to keep the light down on the left side of the tank. The vals consume a mass of nitrogen compounds but I still have to fertilize them to keep them from going chlorotic, I was gone on a 2.5 week vacation (with autofeeders) and the nitrates were still between 5 ppm and 10 ppm when I got home. I find it hard to believe this was the tank I had major issues with cyanobacteria when it was newer.

To most measures this tank is overstocked. I have tried breaking up the group of angels, but I always have issues when I do. The angels, other than the larger blue and striped male, are really culls I had kept and they are a lot smaller than the ones I sold. I am not keeping any fry from the breeding of these fish because they are too inbred. If I breed more fish I will start with better parents. The large blue male is the first angel I have ever bred (front and center on second picture). Overall the angels seem to mostly stick together except when the large male breeds, then they stick to the right side of the wood in the middle for a couple of days.

I run the filter at full speed directing the water over top the vals from right to left. The vals reduce the strength of the flow allowing the angels to comfortably use 90% of the tank. I also use a pre filter (left side barely visible) made up of a media bag and a spacer, this allows the fish to feed on waste food before it goes into the filter and gets trapped there. It has been months since I have cleaned the filter, I am a strong believer in using a prefilter.

The angels are the most interactive fish I have owned other than oscars, and they are a lot easier to keep. These angels seem to be able to differentiate between my wife and I and behave differently depending on who approaches the tank.
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This is my 75 gallon custom acrylic tank.

Black Neons
White Skirt Tetras
Black Phantom Tetras
Cory Cats
BN Plecos

MT Snails, Crypts, Java fern, Java moss, and various plants I don't remember the name of...lol
Pool filter sand mixed with Black Diamond blasting grit.
Misc rocks, driftwood, and a beware of jaws sign for fun.

I dose Aquarium Co-Op Easy Green once a week per instructions and I use home made Excel daily.
I feed quality flakes, freeze dried brine shrimp and Tubifex worms. The Corys get different tablets and sticks and the BN Plecos get some zucchini slices. I hatch baby brine shrimp for the fry and juvies.
Ignore the breeder boxes as I am growing up some Cory cats and BN Plecos I was blessed with.

Filtration is by a 15 gallon sump and a Marineland 220 canister filter. The sump is powered by 2 Jabeo DC pumps which work very well. I use Orlushy pumps on my other tanks and they are even better because of some of the features, but either are very good choices. I rigged an old Aqua Clear 110 filter to be the return of the Marineland so I can put as fine a material as I want/need and I don't have to take the canister apart to change it out. Just take the top off the 110 and change it out and done.

I built the stand and canopy myself and use Beamswork lights with rise/dim timers that work really well.

I grow Pothos and Arrowhead plants out of the back and pin them to the wall. They make all the difference in the nitrate levels, but I still do about %30 water change every week. Always have and always will. I am not a fan of the leave it alone method. This tank is over 4 years old and doing great.

Thanks for looking,
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This is my 240 litre Fluval Roma. We've come a long way from where we started around 2 years ago when it was set up and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey so far.

Fish and livestock:
7 male and 5 female Boesemani rainbowfish

1 male and 1 female Praecox rainbowfish (the last pair left from a suspected TB outbreak)

Approximately 10 Cherry Barbs

A male and female Kribensis which haven't paired up yet but are tolerant of each other and allow each other their own spaces. The male is younger than the female and has claimed a coconut cave as his own

There are also around 8 amano shrimps and a handful of red/pink ramshorn snails which my little boy adores. They do a great job of keeping things tidy and relatively algae free.

Oh jeepers, this would be easier if I wasn't so forgetful 🤦‍♀️ the majority are Cryptocoryne varieties...
Wendtii tropica
Wendtii brown
Err....there may be others that I've forgotten.

I also have some Hydrocotyle Vulgaris and Leucocephala and Hygrophila polysperma clinging on for dear life and a pothos cutting sticking out the top that is doing very well.

Recently added mopani wood, and Dragon stone.

I've used Limpopo black sand with some kind of aquasoil beneath.

The filter and heater came with the tank. I love that the inlet and outlet come through the bottom of the tank, its so convenient for me as I'm a no faffing type of person.

The fish are fed a variety of flake and micro pellets, mostly veggie based. I also give them live and frozen foods, Grindle worms that I culture myself and baby brine shrimp. They love mosquito larvae too which was plentiful during the summer. I have increased feeding to twice a day (😱) I've always fed once every other day so it was a bit of shock to the system. The big males need more than they were getting and are showing beautiful colours since increasing the feeds....the plants are benefitting too! They're fasted once a week.

The tank gets a water change of at least 50% every week, sometimes more and I dose TNC lite fertiliser for the plants.

I really don't have to do anything to this tank, it looks after itself in all honesty. I pick through the crypts maybe once a month or so to prune and take out the damaged and old leaves. I turn on the wavemaker every now and then to lift up the debris and give the Rainbows some exercise 😂

And that's it! Enjoy 🧐

I don’t have a snowballs chance in the tropics, of winning, but I’ll enter my “barb” tank, just because it’s unique…this is a 55 gallon tank, built into the wall, over 20 years s ago, in a group, of tanks, lights are 3 strings of led plant lights, with built in timers… tank has been cleaned out, and refilled, and has been up and running for almost a year now
5- Tin Foil Barbs
3- Denison Barbs
2- Flying Foxes
1- Pink Kissing Gourami
5-Black Cory’s
I plan on adding a few loaches, in place of the black Cory’s once I set up another tank to move the Cory’s into, at that time it’ll be a true Asian tank…

Plants…7-emergent Lucky Bamboo ( 18” to start)
2-12 inch braided Lucky Bamboo towers, all submerged
4-Philodendrons rooted in the tank, but growing out of the tank
1- large piece of driftwood

Water is filled through an RO water filter used just for aquarium use

Filters… 2- vintage Marineland HOT 250’s,
2- 10 inch air bars Fed off a big pump, that runs all the tanks in this area… the air bars are in position to move water through and around the Philodendrons rooted in the tank, to act as a natural filter
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Here is mine :

180L planted tank :

View attachment 329842

Equipment :
-180L ultra-clear tank with grey cabinet
-Filter Oase BioThermo 600 (with Oase heater)
-Lights Chihiros A901 * 2-CO2 injection, inline injector
-Dosing pumps for ferts

Hardscape :
-ADA Power Sand Advance
-ADA AquaSoil Amazonia V2
-Mangrove wood
-Okho Stone

Plants :
-Anubias nana petite
-Blyxa japonica
-Bucephalandra (deep purple, green wavy, kedagang, mini cathernie)
-Cryptocoryne wendtii green
-Eleocharis acicularis mini
-Hygroryza aristata
-Microsum pteropus "narrow"
-Rotala h'ra
-Salvinia auriculata
-Vesicularia dubyana

Livestock :

-Boraras brigittae (35)
-Hara jerdoni (8)
-Indostomus paradoxus (7)
-Kryptopterus bicirrihs (6)
-Sicyopus sp. (3)
-Stiphodon ornatus (3)
-Stiphodon semoni (6)
-Trichopsis pumila (1)

-Anentome Helena
-Atyopsis moluccensis (2)
-Caridina longirostris (10)
-Caridina multidentata (10)
-Caridina serrata sp. aura blue (200?)

Thanks !
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This is my 125l Roma tank
I have fluval 307 canister filter
Light is just standard that come with the tank
The tank is about 6 month old now
I have an inline heater

Hard scape is some drift wood and rocks

Jarva fern
Christmas moss
Jarva moss
Water sprite
And some more but can’t remember what they are
I dose with tropics fertiliser

In the tank is
16 cardinals
10 pencil fish
4 mollys
1 adf
7 panda corys
8 Amano shrimp
1 albino bristle nose

As some of you are aware I had a slight disaster. And lost a lot of fish a month or 2 ago
So I’m just back to getting things back to normal

With some advice from members in here I decided to go down the “root” of adding live plants, rather than plastic plants and plastic caves
And I’m in love with it

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