🐠 TOTM ENTER NOW: January 2025 Tank of the Month Contest (17 to 30 Gallons)


Plant Man
Contest Moderator
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W


Please enter now!

Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls, all our fish lovers around the world - it's time for our monthly Tank of the Month Contest!
This month we are allowing only freshwater aquariums sized at 17 to 30 US gallons to be entered in the TOTM contest.

If you have a tank of the above stated size, please consider entering this month's contest. It doesn't matter whether your tank is planted or not planted and it doesn't matter if your tank is not yet near your final goal. More entrants make the contest more interesting, so enter your tank today!

A picture uploaded via our "attach files" tool with a handwritten note held in front or attached to your tank with "January 2025 TFF TOTM" written on it is required to validate your entry. If you wish, you may post either a second recent picture OR a video (not both) without the note attached. (If you post a 2nd pic or video, that pic or video will be displayed as your entry post in the poll). Right under the pictures or the video, post a nice detailed write-up of your tank.
**The write up should include a good description of your tank including size, age of setup, fish stocking, water parameters, ferts used, lighting, filtration type, aeration, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc.
  • The tank you enter must be in your household
  • If you won a TOTM contest previously, you must skip at least 2 TOTM contests before you can enter a different tank.
  • Video can be uploaded to youtube and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
  • A detailed description is required!
  • Entries will be accepted till 4 PM ET (US) on January 7th or when we have 10 entrants...whichever comes first. Any entrant who posts an entry after we have 10 entrants will be asked to enter the next TOTM contest and their post will be deleted. The winner will be decided by votes cast by FishForums.net members.
  • Please note: you are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for your entry
What do I win?
  • You will get a cool banner in your profile area noting that you are a winner of Tank of the Month.
  • Your winning entry will be showcased in a "TOTM Winner" topic for all to see and to comment.
  • Your winning entry will be added to our TOTM Wall of Fame
Please don’t post any opinions about any specific entry. Such posts will be promptly deleted. Thread will be cleaned up occasionally for readability.
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There are 5 days left to enter this TOTM contest. So enter your tank soon!
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I know at least one of you guys have an aquarium that qualifies. If you do, please enter the contest. Its not about winning, its about sharing what you've got and inspiring others.
20 gallon long South American jungle tank. Trying for a natural, wild look not decorative aquascaping.
Fluval digital heater
Aquaclear 30 HOB filter and sponge filter
Pair Apistogramma cacatuoides orange flash and fry
4 dwarf red coral Platy
6 yellow Tiger endlers
Amazon swords, dwarf Sagittaria, Anubias, Java fern and cryptocoryne wentii
Black sand substrate, coconut caves, river rock, moss ball and cholla
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We’ve got ONE entry so far. But we can’t have a contest with just one entry. If you have a 17 to 30 gallon aquarium, join the fun and enter soon.
THis is what I would call a working tank. It's for breeding a shy dwarf Cichlid, first generation captive bred Parananochromis brevirostris. I want them to be able to hide, as the males can get a little nasty, and females were rare in the brood that's reached breeding age.

To make them feel more secure, I have some spare female Aphyosemion ottogartneri, as well as Chromaphyosemion poliaki killies.

The plants are the easiest of easy - Vallisneria americana, Anubias spp, and some probable Rotala spp. I know I should be more meticulous about plant identities, but I stick them in and if they grow, I plan to look them up someday. I haven't gotten around to that yet!
I could never be that relaxed about fish names though. There, I have to know.

The rest of the fauna? A few pest snails - fewer every time one gets into range on the front glass.

If the fish breed, I'll remove the parents after a few weeks of broodcare, as this is a rare and to me valuable fish. I'll pull out the Valls that have crept in close to the front glass, and use it as a rearing tank. The parents will get another tank, set up for hopefully another batch. So tanks like this, decor-wise, come and go.

Temperature: 22c
Hardness: 40 tds
Filtration Aquaclear with a sleeve full of garden peat (the last I'll buy for ecological reasons, but I bought a huge bale before I'd thought that through 7 or 8 years ago) and an air driven box filter.
Feeding: Once daily - live artemia, white worms, occasional flake.


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Just TWO DAYS LEFT for you to enter your 17 to 30 gallon tank in this contest.
Remember, your tank does not have to be planted and does not have to be at your final goal..just show others your tank so perhaps they can get ideas for their own tanks. It's not just about trying to win, it's about participating in the contest.

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