Enough or not enough light?


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Hi...I have a new 46 gallon bowfront aquarium, FW, recently cycled. We started out with plastic plants and I want to start adding 'begginers' or easy to care for plants. The tank came with a plastic cover with punch outs for equipment and with a single strip fluorescent bulb, presumably an AquaGlow (?30W). From my reading, it seems that this may not be adequate lighting. Is there a way to improve on this short of buying a new tank hood? Suggestions? Will this support some of the more 'tolerant' plants? Thanks for your help. Frank
well thats not even 1 wpg, not the best, im sure java moss or somthign would thrive though -_-
If you mean the Hagen Aqua-Glo it's not the best bulb but may be ok. You could fit a reflector to improve things. I'd suggest trying Java moss, Java fern, Anubias and possibly some Crypts. You'll stand a better chance with a nutrient rich substrate if you want to grow Crypts. I have a friend who has had success with Vallis too in a low-light setup, hard water is preferably for Vallis, they take in carbon in the form of bi-carbonates from the water.
Hi..thanks for your help. I'm trying to find out if there is a light available for my present tank that is better than what I have, without having to purchase another hood. I have a 46 Bowfront, plastic, with a narrow clear portion in the middle and 'punchouts' in the back. They do make an all glass top. I just have to find out if I can get more lighting that will fit my present hood, otherwise, I may need both...new hood and new light (yikes). Frank
I managed to grow Java Fern under 50w of incadescent light... that's about 10 watts of flourescent light. That was in a 12" deep 10 gallon tank though. I'd try some Java Moss and Fern, cryptocorynes if you have a good substrate. I don't see a need for the super-special high light plants when the nicest ones require so little in the way of care.

Also, I grew the Java Fern without fertilizer; flake food has everything plants need; but most of them can't absorb it from the water. Java Ferns are the ultimate beginner plant. As a plus, even a clown loach won't eat Java Fern.
Thanks Fishaholic....will try those suggestions. HNY. Frank

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