Endlers With Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Near Bristol, UK
I'm looking at setting up a small tank to breed cherry shrimp, but I wanted to add a couple of small fish like possibly endlers, purely to liven the tank up a bit. Will the endlers interfer with the cherries breeding?
Yes, they will try to eat the baby shrimp. If you want to actively breed cherries, you are best off keeping them on their own :)
How large is the tank?

In a reasonable tank (20 gallons) with a shoal of 10-15 male endlers and plenty of moss, caves and heavily planted. You should expect a 60% survival rate which isn't bad.
Endlers are probably ok, The person I got my cherrys from was breeding them in a tank with Endlers and he had plenty of shrimp to sell.

Just give them lots of moss to hide in and most will survive.

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