Endlers Pregnant


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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Hey everyone!
I have 7 endlers, (4 females, 3 males) that I bought from my local fish club last month and this month,
all 4 females are pregnant! ^^ :shifty:
the two females that I bought last month already had babies a couple weeks ago, I estimated that they should have their babies around the 20th-22nd of this month, so next week
the other females don't look to far off either, so hopefully I'll have lots o' babies! Can I sell them to my local pet store? He said he'd take them, but I didn't know if endlers are common or not, would it be ok to sell them? I could also give some back to my local fish club in a couple months,
how many babies do they usually have? My ender last month only had 7 babies, is that normal?
Oh! I just noticed a baby fish in the tank, it's either a molly or a endler, it's kinda greyish and really small,
so I'm assuming its an endler, the females I bought last month had babies about 3-4 weeks agoa and still look fat, the three new girls are skinnier, but still getting bigger each day,
so it can't be from the new girls, or the one's from a month ago, cuz it's way to small,
unless one of my fish is having babies as we speak?
Hey, congrats! :) :good:
Can you possibly post some pictures? (Of fry and adults)
I'm really bad at figuring out what kind of fish I have....
Are these endlers, guppies, or endlers/guppies crossed?

They were labelled as "feeder guppies" in the pet store, but to me, they look quite a bit like endlers. :lol:

And no worries, they are in a tank on their own - no guppies are with them, or any other fish.

Thanks for any advice! :good:
Endlers can easily drop fry at 23 day intervals so it could well be the next drop from a female that dropped a month ago or a bit less.
Yes, I think it's a fry from a month ago, but my week old guppy fry are twice the size of this lil guy, weird,.. lol

Fry-Forever, those looks like endlers to me, ^_^
but I dunno, lol
My endlers have orange and yellow dots on them, (males anyways) they are endlers right?
I got them from my fish club, their colors are very vibrant and noticeable when I look at them,

Just checked, mine are definately endlers, when the babies are old enough, can I sell them to my LPS?
They said they'd take em, I dunno if endlers are rare here, I never see them at any petstores, at all,
would I be messing up if I gave them to the pet store? or are they common?

(I live in Ontario, Canada)
Endlers are only seen in pet shops when a hobbyist brings some in. I have never seen them there otherwise. Once you have supplied them with endlers, there will be no more demand because everyone who takes some home will be back in a couple of months trying to sell them.
So what should I do?
Would it be bad to sell them? Or are they common anyways,...
Not trying to be a nuisance, but what do you people think I should do?
Can I sell them to the pet store? Or would it be ruining the "rarer" aspect, I just don't wanna do something that would ruin anything,... :(
I can auction some back to my fish club too, but I would like to sell them to the pet store,... any suggestions?
If you want to sell them to pet shops, go ahead. I would wait until I had enough adults to make a pet shop tank look full so that at least they would not mix them in with other fish. If you start by selling 3 or 4 pairs, you may kill your own market before you get a chance to sell many but the larger group would at least give you one good sale.

I checked on my endlers this morning,
the 2 that I received last month have a black gravid spot, like pitch black, but their not extremely big yet, so I'm thinking another couple days, their due around the 20th-22nd,
(next week) so it could be anyday now I suppose, the other two females that I bought last week at the HDAS (Hamilton and District Aquarium Society) have a lighter gravid spot, but it's getting darker everyday and they seem to be getting bigger still, so I'm guessing at least 1-2 weeks, :)
Anyways, that's the update just to let you guys/girls know (if anyone cares) lol

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