Endler's Livebearers & Bettas


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
A while back I acquired 2 tiny hitch hikers (about 3mm) when I bought some shrimp. They grew into Endler's - I think they are both male. Both are orange, black and transparent and about an inch long.
Would they turn into dinner if I put them in with my betta?
My betta is a very placid, gentle fish and has 5 pygmy cories (not much bigger than the Endlers) with him already.
Your betta will nip there fins and even kill them.
I wouldn't recommend it.
If the betta dosn't go for the endlers the endlers could nip the betta fins. There just not compatiable.
I wouldn't recommend it.
If the betta dosn't go for the endlers the endlers could nip the betta fins. There just not compatiable.

I did have 4 endlers in same tank as my betta. I am now down to one (but not due to betta). They seem fine together but the endlers i did have were nippers, often nipping guppies under the belly

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