Endlers Livebearer


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
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hi peeps
when you breed do you put the male and the female in the beeding trap or wait till the female is pregnant
you wait until she gets pregnant (it wont be too long trust me) then if you want to raise the fry you trap her just before she gives birth

i take it you have mixed sex endlers then, how many male, female?
You throw the males and females in a tank with no predators and in about a month you start removing fish. You will never be able to keep up. For these guys, there is no need for a breeding trap or even for very much cover. Mine mix freely with endlers of all sizes and are not threatened by the adults.


Their very easy to keep esp if ur in hard water, do u have any?
if not where u from as many people here are keeping them but very few are true endlers as almost all shop fish are guppy crosses

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