Endler Livebearers


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
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Ireland, Laois
Right guys Ive finally decided im going to try this hybridizing of Endlers with Guppies to create a more colourful guppy. I finally found a local breeder who breeds endlers in mass production for a japanese company to restock japanese and american lakes and streams/rivers. He allows them to breed themselves in a very beautiful life like natural environment in a room in his house dedicated to endlers only :eek: quiet an amazing site. I explained what i was doing and he informed me not to put them up as endlers but as endler guppy hybrids. He has agreed to give me 5 male endlers to use for experimenting, different tails, colours and shape. I paid 40£ for these and said id make a donation to his research :) i found this lovely black moscow female in an LFS so i got her, along with sunset guppies and an old female that the LFS had used for breeding their own stock, she was pretty and lovely mixed colours on her tail with polkadots <3 ive set up a new 120L tank for them (all my savings gone :( ) and will keep you updated when the first batch of endler guppies turn up which could be a while considering the females i got were already pregnant :( but what can you do?. I know and realise this is frowned apon but imma try it anyway and see what new colour sequences i can get please if you have any exp on doing this let me know as it be very helpful :D thanks and the endlers will be returned. the original ones
I know but think of it this way.. im not damaging endler purebreds.. just feeder guppies which might increase their ability or decrease it??
I would only take one fry in the hands of someone else from that spawn to ruin a true purebred Endler colony. Just one fry is all it takes. I wouldn't even sell to people with guppies when I was breeding Endlers. Endlers are being sold by so many now a days that keeping the lines pure is becoming more and more difficult to do.
i dont think ill be selling these and if i do ill put them under guppies not endlers :)
I doubt if your suppliers 'Endler's' are a pure strain anyway, if they were, there's no way he'd have females back knowing they'd been with guppies; they'd be carrying sperm for months and would contaminate his stock.
i said 5 endler males* not females, i told him i breeding male endlers with female guppies. And his endlers are pure as hes had them for over 10 years breeding them pure for the japanese company.
i did that still have endlers breeding pure and guppies breeding pure and about 5 show quality fish

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