End Of Tank Sagging?


Mostly New Member
Nov 8, 2013
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Just bought a 30 gallon tank. Filled it up and everything seems to be running fine. However, I noticed that the water leve on one end is ~1 cm higher than the other. I've got the tank on a table. ~5 inches of it is hanging off one side. Its supported by an extended part of the table, however I do not think its holding the full weight of the aquarium.
Do I have a serious problem here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yes I would say that there could be a serious failure at some point if both ends of the tank aren't fully supported.
Best to sort it sooner than when it fails.
Did you use a mature filter before adding your fish? If not, they will be at risk of ammonia and nitrite poisoning. 
Yeah you need to be really really careful with getting the aquarium level, any uneven surfaces will make a lot of stress build up in one area until it cracks.
There are loads of DIY tutorials on how to build your own stand if you dont have a suitable piece of furniture. Although a stand for a 30g tank should only cost about £60-£80. An other alternative are kitchen units which often have very good weight limits.
I would rather have the table or cabinet bigger than the tanks length but until you find or build one I would center the tank so there is a 2 1/2" over hang on both sides instead of 5" on the one side.
The water level line may not be level because of the floor, most floors on not 100% level. I know my tank is off from one end to the other by approximently 1/4-1/2" in a 6' span. It's been like this for 15 years with no damage to the tank (knock on wood)

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