Empty Tank


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I have a 7.4 gallon tank (12” x 12” x 12”), empty at the moment; I’m going to start my cycling process ASAP. What could I put in it? My suggestions aren’t to be mixed by the way; it’s just ideas of what I could put in separately).

I was thinking about a betta?

I did have red cherry shrimp in it; however they all died when I put them in there (they were in a smaller tank; and I upgraded them) – since then I’ve had trouble with the tank so I decided to empty it and start again).

I was also thinking about red cherry shrimp again?

I have Chinese fire bellied newts, so I don’t want them in there; I was wondering about any other kind of newt?

I don’t think I want a snail only tank, or a planted tank.

I don’t fancy frogs (we’ll I wouldn’t mind; but my mam feeds them for me at a weekend and she’ll not can see them very well); although I did see fire bellied toads the other day and they were nice.

I quite fancy something different.
why not try a crabitat? a couple of vampire crabs with some land would be nice :good: let us know what you decide to go for

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