Empty Snail Shells


Fish Addict
Jan 31, 2012
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This is more out of curiosity than anything else.

I have pond and ramshorn snails in my tank, neither of which I have put there on purpose. They're not a problem to me, other than some holes in the plant leaves! Are the pond snails the culprits?

I've noticed quite a few empty white pond snail shells in the sand. There have always been a couple here and there, it's nothing new. My question is, how are they dying?

My tank occupants are lampeye killis, rummynose tetras, corys, kuhli loaches and a clown plec. Could any of these be eating the snails? I've just read a couple of things about kuhlis eating snails. Is this true?

Thanks in advance.
   I had a Malaysian Trumpet snail infestation a few months back, due to hidden snail eggs on a live plant. I moved a few kuhlis from another tank to take care of them, but they didn't touch a single snail. I finally had to add yoyo loaches and assassin snails, which eradicated most of the snails quickly. Are you certain that you don't have any assassin snails in your tank as well?
I'd say the Khuli's are eating them too. I have heard that they will eat snails. Clown loaches are the same too
No I definitely don't have any assassin snails in there.

Do you know I'd never have thought that the kuhlis could do that! I always remove some snails when I do a water change but I'd wondered what was happening to the others. Hopefully the kuhlis will have a go and the ramshorns that I've been inundated with since getting some new plants!
They just look so innocent!

Akasha72 said:
I'd say the Khuli's are eating them too. I have heard that they will eat snails. Clown loaches are the same too
Oh yes Kuhlis will eat snails mine love pond and rams head. As for Clown loaches OMG they are Pigs when it comes to snails my 5 can easily polish off 1 or 2 medium Mystery snails in a day.
Plecos will happily munch on any eggs they find.
I have 18 ( I counted what I could see at feeding time once ) of these in my tank. I think the only way to tell exactly how many would be to strip the tank down. I started with 6.

I hope the shrimp dont eat the babies, These were actually born in my tank.

Having trumpet snails in your tank is not a bad thing, they are the ultimate clean up crew and do wonders for planted tanks.
SherLar said:
   I had a Malaysian Trumpet snail infestation a few months back, due to hidden snail eggs on a live plant. I moved a few kuhlis from another tank to take care of them, but they didn't touch a single snail. I finally had to add yoyo loaches and assassin snails, which eradicated most of the snails quickly. Are you certain that you don't have any assassin snails in your tank as well?
Malaysian Trumpet snails do not lay eggs, they are livebeareres.
   Then I must have missed a tiny snail hidden on a leaf, I suppose. Or I have my species wrong. I was told they were malaysian trumpet snails. Was also told that it takes only 1 snail to reproduce. Is this true?
MTS are asexual breeders and live bearers as alasse stated. If they are small and have strong cone like shells then they are Malaysian trumpet snails.
If they are delicate shells that look like Gary from spongebob then they are ramshorn.
If they are super small with little grayish shells then they are pond or bladder snails.
That's it then, the kuhlis must be the culprits.

Sawickib I can honestly say that I have no idea what Gary from SpongeBob looks like but at least that's an easy thing for anyone looking for a ID to find!
Ramshorn snail

Pond snail

Malaysian Trumpet snail.

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