Empty Nest Syndrome


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
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Southampton, uk
It was a good feeling to have brought them on this far, but my tanks do feel empty! It is terribly tempting to fill the empty space, but I have to remember that there is still a batch of younger siblings needing to grow out (that's right folks, sit on my head!)- I reckon there will be one more trip to the lfs in 4-5 months time. And 3 or 4 "older children" escaped my vigilance, so I might just let them grow that little bit bigger. Might even keep one for good; it would be good to have one bristlie that I had raised from fry live its life out in one of my tanks. It's amazing how much character these little tadpoles add.
how many you got in total i have 2 tank bred fully grown male and female a wild caught pair (adult) and a male and female about 3-4 inches long hopeing for a batch of eggs soon but might need to find sumit better for them to breed in

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