Emperor Tetras


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Northern Ireland

Just wondering what people's experiences are with Emperor tetras.
I have read they are peaceful fish but have also read they are terroritorial.

I have had a recent bad expeience with Serpea tetras so am determined to thorughly research anymore additions to my tank.

(I currently have 12 Neon tetras, 12 Hengli Harlequins, 4 Platies and 6 Black Phantom tetras.)
How many gallons is your tank? I've heard that they are generally peaceful fish towards other fish but can be territorial with each other.
I take you you mean Nematobrycon palmeri and not Inpaichthys kerri.

N.palmeri are a nice sized tetra that can be, and often is, very territorial with
other 'community' fish. they have a well deserved reputation for fin nipping.
males generally hate each other and you will often end up with a male and several females.

what specifically do you wish to know?
I take you you mean Nematobrycon palmeri and not Inpaichthys kerri.

N.palmeri are a nice sized tetra that can be, and often is, very territorial with
other 'community' fish. they have a well deserved reputation for fin nipping.
males generally hate each other and you will often end up with a male and several females.

what specifically do you wish to know?

Well you have kind of answered my questions.
I really wanted to know if they are easy to keep.
I have had to remove a whole shoal of Serpea tetras for fin nipping. I may give the Emperor's a miss if they do that too.
A local fish shop does have Kerri tetras in stock at the mo.
What is the difference?
Inpaichthys kerri are by far a better choice for a community style set up.
the males still dislike each other but they tend to be peaceful to other fish.

the best way to see if you are buying I.kerri or N.palmeri
is to look for an adipose fin, kerri has it, palmeri does not.
I have three emperor tetras in my tank and they are peaceful to all the other fish. I have no problems with them!

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