Emperor Tetra Compatibiltiy


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
So i've finally found another place that carries Emperor Tetras and I'd really love to get a shoal of them. The thing is, I've got a pair of Kribs that keep trying to breed in my 60g.

Do you think that it might be a problem to mix the two since they have similar coloration (light body w/ central black bar)? Has anyone tried this combination before? I've been reassured by a cichlid person that the Kribs won't turn nasty, but I've also read of Emperors doing horrible bitey things to rival males.
ok, i'm just going to nudge this once before i give up. it kinda looks like i'm the only emperor fanatic around here... :wry smile: too many tetras, not enough fans, eh?
I answered the question the other way around for you before, and I'm sure it will work the same with the tetra's to the cichlids. The only thing you really need to worry about is typical krib breeding aggression.
Under normal circumstances, I'd say they'd be fine. If you are wanting the Kribs to breed, pretty much anything in with them stands a chance of having seven bells knocked out ot them.

Pebbles has just had her Kribs spawn and the male shredded 4 Congo Tetras for example.
bleh... i've got mine in a 60g, but yeah... fortunately mine are on the small side (for now)

i suppose that's the rough side of dither fish, isn't it...
Tank size makes all the difference in the world - one, the kribs have more space for territory in the 60, and two, you can keep a nice sized schoal of emps in the 60 - I'd get at least 8.

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