Emperor Power Filters......are they good


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I need help FAST because my Fluval 304 is dead.......the pump is out and is unreplaceable (sp?) I DON'T have a lot of money so getting a new Fluval is sort of out of the question :-(

Has anyone heard or use this filter:

Would it be good for my 55.....are they good filters. I need a REALLY good one....

This is the first power filter to combine high end performance with multiple filtration options. Ready-to-use cartridges have more mechanical and carbon filtration than any other cartridge. Add more chemical filtration with the huge media containers. BIO-Wheel provides superior biological filtration. Filter Cartridges sold separately.

Emperor Power Filter 400B - 400 gph $44.99


or what about this one:

Aqua Clear 500 - over 100 gallons $31.69

Aqua Clear Filters are designed to provide excellent mechanical, chemical and biological filtration. A large capacity for filtration media allows efficient waste capture. Refiltration grid ensures that all water is directed through the media and fully filtered. Includes a 2-year manufacturer's warranty.

Sorry to sound desperate, but I DON'T HAVE A FILTER RIGHT NOW..... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :sad: :sad: :S :S :S
IMHO, Bio-wheel filters are the best! The Emperor series from marineland is the higher end IMO vs the marineland Penguin series. I'd go for it!
Hmmmmm :shifty:

Anyone else have any imput before I have to buy one in the morning.....

thanks guys BTW, but you both picked different ones :lol:

How am I gonna choose :S
Well i'll tell you I don't have a marineland however this is how i thought of it, 500 gallons per hour compared to 400 gallons, and the ac is more than $10 less

I also have an Ac and have no problems nor have i heard of any with them
On the other hand with the marineland i have heard loads of praise but the biowheel adds a moveing part and has had things brocken and it has been known to stop turning aparrently createing problems
so no problems and lkittle praise for the aquaclear minus the fact that it holds large amounts of media
While the marineland gets lot's of praise but a fair although a much less amount of negative comments

From my own observations
I'd get the Emperor. I've had one running for 4 years, and no
problems. :)

BTW: silver, your pic is of the Emperor 280
Ah, okay......... :*) It's the only photo they had!

Well, I think I'm gonna go with the Aquaclear IF they have it........big IF here!!

I'm just so used to my big old 304 Fluval that I feel wierd going to the "hang on the back" kind.........

Anybody made "the switch" and like it better??
I have only had problems with my biowheel filters. I got a Penguin 170 and a mini biowheel. Both of them are constantly backflowing because the biowheels get so full of junk that they won't turn. Even after repeated cleanings of the filter and of the intake tube they rarely work well for more than a few days! I am just going to stick to other power filters! My Eheim Liberty seems to work fine so far.
Well, I got the Emperor 400......the thing is just MASSIVE......

I was all excited to hang it on the back and try it out..........but guess what.......

My D@MN tank is to close to the wall for the Darn thing to fit.......

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! :hyper: :S :blink: :blink:

So, I just moved all my fish and am emptying the water out......leaving a few inches for my cories and pleco............then moving it out 3/4 of a stupid INCH!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CRUD!??????

Then it's fill up time again........which I can take some out of my 30 gallon..........and then back in the fish go.......I won't fill it up all the way.....I'll wait a couple of days and top off the water then......

I just can't believe this.........I'm mad and disguisted!!!!! :-(

Sorry, I should have mentioned that it's a monster. :X

I think you'll like it. :)

My water is always crystal clear.
Well.........now I've got the tank moved 1 stinking inch.... -_- :rolleyes:

AND I've filled it 3/4 of the way back up with water and have my monster Silver Dollar back in.....poor guy :-(

NOW, the darn filter will NOT start.....I fill it half way up with water like it says and it just starts going and then runs OUT......WHAT THE HECK IS THE PROBLEM HERE.......

does the water of my tank have to be completely full or should it be able to start regardless.....because I know with my Fluval 304 the water level had to up to the TIP TOP before it would start.........is it the same situation..???

Tried that too...........

but I got it working. Turns out the tank water level should be up to the top.......darn it......but it's working!

Thanks for replying ;)

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