MY FISH ARE DYING AT AT LEAST 1 PER HOUR HELP! I have a 36 gallon tank and have kept guppies, 2 clown loaches,1 red fin shark, 6 neon tetra, 2 catfish, 2 glass cats and 2 crabs together happily for about 8 months or so!
I actualy began with one 3.6 gallon tank ank supprisingly for me at the time one pregnant guppy. She gave birth and i ended up with a water quality crisis and had to buy a 36 gallon tank. I am, therefore very aware of the importance of water quality. I have a complete water testing kit and check this every week. The last results were: 9/9/04
General Hardness=6
I have a well planted tank with bogwood and many places to hide!
My baby guppies grew well and were beautiful additions to the tank, although i have been aware for some time that the tank has become very crowded and have only recently found homes for some of my many guppies! Despite this my water quality has remained as shown above!
My problems began 48 hours ago when my guppies suddenly appeared distressed. Their fins appearded tatty and they were clamped together. They were also congregating in one corner of the tank at the water surface. There was a white coating around the dorsal fin. I immediately thought that they had fin rot and began to treat them with king british fin rot and fungus control. The fish rapidly began to die and i took water samples to my local aquatic center. The water tested fine and i was advised to buy a different treatment called sera mycopur. I treated the tank straight away 1 hour after a 50% water change.
The fish continued to die off rapidly and i have now noticed that they have very red and inflamed gills followed by a protruding swollen bottom lip shortly before they start to spiral around the tank and die. Having looked into fish diseases not one single disease matches all of these simptoms. I am desperate for any help or advise anyone can give as i love my fish and i will have none left at this rate in 48 hours.
I have not however lost any other fish at this point other than guppies although my red fin shark looks as though he has some swim bladder trouble and my clown loaches seem to be hiding, possibly due to the treatment. I am also worried that my crabs may not cope well with the treatment especially as one has just shed its exoskelleton. He is spending all his time on top of the filter.
Whilst i have been writing this message yet another fish has died! PLEASE HELP AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! THANKS
I actualy began with one 3.6 gallon tank ank supprisingly for me at the time one pregnant guppy. She gave birth and i ended up with a water quality crisis and had to buy a 36 gallon tank. I am, therefore very aware of the importance of water quality. I have a complete water testing kit and check this every week. The last results were: 9/9/04
General Hardness=6
I have a well planted tank with bogwood and many places to hide!
My baby guppies grew well and were beautiful additions to the tank, although i have been aware for some time that the tank has become very crowded and have only recently found homes for some of my many guppies! Despite this my water quality has remained as shown above!
My problems began 48 hours ago when my guppies suddenly appeared distressed. Their fins appearded tatty and they were clamped together. They were also congregating in one corner of the tank at the water surface. There was a white coating around the dorsal fin. I immediately thought that they had fin rot and began to treat them with king british fin rot and fungus control. The fish rapidly began to die and i took water samples to my local aquatic center. The water tested fine and i was advised to buy a different treatment called sera mycopur. I treated the tank straight away 1 hour after a 50% water change.
The fish continued to die off rapidly and i have now noticed that they have very red and inflamed gills followed by a protruding swollen bottom lip shortly before they start to spiral around the tank and die. Having looked into fish diseases not one single disease matches all of these simptoms. I am desperate for any help or advise anyone can give as i love my fish and i will have none left at this rate in 48 hours.
I have not however lost any other fish at this point other than guppies although my red fin shark looks as though he has some swim bladder trouble and my clown loaches seem to be hiding, possibly due to the treatment. I am also worried that my crabs may not cope well with the treatment especially as one has just shed its exoskelleton. He is spending all his time on top of the filter.
Whilst i have been writing this message yet another fish has died! PLEASE HELP AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! THANKS