Emm... Hi


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
turo, devon
I am new to the forum but not new to fish keeping but my 11 year experiance has been purely of cold water fish. But i suddenly got an erge when my rescued goldfish hit 15cm to buy a huge tank (well i think its big) to replace my current 10 gal one. And well it is now 260l and the one fish looked lonely and it came with a heater so... I bought some Tiger barbs and wacked the temp upto 25 degrees C.

Got 10 of these lovely little fish 5 albinos and 5 normal black and silver jobs.

Also bought a plec.

This was fine till the barbs started bothering my goldfish. His tails were getting jagged after a fourtnight so I had to take drasric action imediatly.

As a cold water fish keeper i had i problem as i only had the one heater that i know couldn't unplug (due to tanks position) and 10 tropical fish needing a new heated tank.

So I have had to borrow a heater from a friend who gave up on fish years ago.

I set up a small 8 galon tank with fressh gravel and an old pump as well as some plants from the big tank and added 100% water from the big tank.

Fine but i dropped my only thermometer and it broke so i was left guessing at the temperature as the heater simply has a plus minus not a temperature dial on top.

Well i think its a bit warm as the barbs have now started going shinny green where they were once black and they appear to be mating all over the place. :blink:

So what shall i know put with the goldie wich has rappidly grown to about 19cm its hard to measure?

I don't want anything to big as i want a small shoel but they have to be quiet big and quick or they will be eaten! Must be colourful and placid too.

Sorry for waffling on. :blush:
Your problem was mostly caused by the barbs i think they can be fin nippers. I think you'll be ok with other small shoaling fish like some kind of tetra.
Your problem was mostly caused by the barbs i think they can be fin nippers. I think you'll be ok with other small shoaling fish like some kind of tetra.

deffo the barbs started when i added them the tetras will probs be eaten his mouth is around 1.5cm wide and tall
Ideally tropicals and cold water fish shouldn't be kept together, coldwater fish need to be kept in temperatures of below 22C, They also produce a lot more waste than tropical species. If you want to keep them both together then i would set the temp to 23C which should be fine for your plec, whilst being at a temp that the goldfish could adapt to.

with your tiger barbs set the heater to its middle setting which should be around 24 or 25C
Ideally tropicals and cold water fish shouldn't be kept together, coldwater fish need to be kept in temperatures of below 22C, They also produce a lot more waste than tropical species. If you want to keep them both together then i would set the temp to 23C which should be fine for your plec, whilst being at a temp that the goldfish could adapt to.

with your tiger barbs set the heater to its middle setting which should be around 24 or 25C

the barbs are moving home soon to someone else and why do cold water have to be kept below 22 mine seems happy enough.
You may be right about a neon getting eaten. I didn't think a gold fish would eat say a lemon tetra they are about the size of a tiger barb.
I like the look of those lemon tetras what temp would they require in degrees c and alsothey wont touch my goldie will they.

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