I Like Rare Fish

Fish Herder
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Apr 15, 2021
Reaction score
Southern California, USA
I bought some African Tiger Scat for my 90g, and they arrived with low water and are very lethargic. They are laying on their side at the bottom of the tank, but still breathing. They move when poked. What do I do?
Scats produce a toxin when stressed. Hopefully the dilution of the tank is enough, but I would also add carbon or PolyFilter.
Oh wow, had no idea they did that...fancy putting them in bags with not enough water 🤯

Assuming it’s stress from the bag and not from the transition to the tank water, I’d add PolyFilter and put them in the dark and leave them alone, and hope for the best.
If you had carbon you could have added it to the filter straight away.
But it might just be extreme stress, poisoning from the bag (ammonia), lack of oxygen, etc. As long as they’re in good water now all you can do is give them peace and quiet and hope they recover.

What kind of water were they in and what are they in now? Fresh or brackish? Hard?
Take photos and contact the supplier and let them know what is going on.

Where the fish double or triple bagged?
Was there newspaper between the bags?
How big are the fish?

Scats have sharp spines and regularly puncture bags. We used to triple bag them with newspaper between the bags so they might poke a hole in one bag but hopefully not all 3 bags.
Well the one left is doing fine. I just left him alone. I emailed the supplier (I don’t know if I should say the name because I’m putting them it say the name so people have a little warning, but accidents do happen 🤷‍♂️) about it
The supplier should make good. Some require a buyer to cover the cost of shipping replacements and some do not. So give the seller a chance to make things right. It they do not, then by all means post the name. I would also say that if they do make good, also post the name.

One reason for posting is to help others avoid the seller and the other is for others to know that they are reputable and so might buy from them in the future.

I am one who offers a buyer the right to choose a refund or a replacement. I am willing to pay half the shipping for replacements unless the entire lot arrived dead. Then I may not have enough fish to replace the order and so I will refund the entire cost including the shipping.

The worst 18 moinths I had shipping/selling fish was when I had a batch of bad bags that were killing fish. I changed suppliers and have never had that problem again. That episode cost me about $4,000 reatil value, in DOA fish ove that year and a half.

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