
Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:( Last night was terrible! First I noticed my balloon molly, Cleo, on the botton of the tank and she was looking really thin! Her sides behind her fins were sunken in and it was so sad! Sadly, I did'n have a hospital tank available because the one I have is in use with a Neon Tetra with Ick. I searched around for something to keep her in and found a large cooler, estimated to be around 10 gallons. I filler the cooler with the tank water and trasported her in there. But therer was one problem. . . I only had one air pump and heater. I feed her some frozen bloodworms and brine shimp but I'm confused on why she's looking so thin. :/

:huh: Throughout the night I woke up and moved the air prump from the Neon Tetars's tank to the cooler. What a night! I hardly got any sleep, but this morning Cleo's still alive! What do I do to cure her thing body? It's so sad to watch her in this condition! :-(

I took a water sample to Petco so they could test it because my test kit ran out and the water was fine. Somebody help poor Cleo before she ends up like this . . . :rip:
I would just keep her in her tank, do lots of water changes, continue to feed her, and just wait it out.
It could've been "skinny disease," something that's mostly seen with clown loaches. It's bacterial and treated with erythromycin.
I had a guppy die of "being skinny". She was terribly thin and then I noticed a small patch of white fluff on her that I assume was a fungus. Did your molly perhaps have a fungal infection?
There was nothing unusual on her body, she was only very thin. It wa so sad to watch her in that condition! She was the cutest balloon molly I ever saw, with her bright orange color and sweetest personality. :-(
Sasha said:
There was nothing unusual on her body, she was only very thin. It wa so sad to watch her in that condition! She was the cutest balloon molly I ever saw, with her bright orange color and sweetest personality. :-(
sooooooo sorry sweety. my thoughts are with you. :-(

I lost my betta last night, still don't know why. :-(
Squint, you mentioned that clown loaches are often affected by what you call "skinny disease". Do you know what the medical name is? 3 of my loaches passed away recently, and my corydora concolor died today (he looked pretty thin too).

There's no evidence of parasitic or fungal activity at the moment - my loaches also had ich, which I treated.

My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are well below danger levels and have been since I first put fish in my tank (I test weekly too). Is skinny disease contagious??!! :crazy:

Mysterious deaths? Any ideas please? Thanks
;) Thank you all for you comforting words! I posted a few pictures of Cleo in the member aquarium photos labled under "In Memory of Cleo." I still miss her really much though, but I know she's in a good place. :angel:

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