Emergency Tank Move


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2010
Reaction score
Ohio, United States
So this morning my boyfriend and I woke up to about 18-20 gallons of water missing from my 55 gallon brackish tank. Further inspection showed the cause was an air tubing that the cat had chewed through and now water was coming out of the air tubing and onto the surge protector and the floor. Luckily I have a backup tank which I immediately filled and started cycling. However, the tank was only cycled for about 5-6 hours before I got home from work and had to do an emergency move of my fish....

I have lost one fish as a result of this emergency... and another is breathing very heavily and laying upside down on the bottom of the tank....

I made sure to allow the fish a chance to adjust to the differing tank conditions....

My question is... if anyone has any advice as to how I can help my fish through this stressful time.

I am currently in the process of draining my 55 gallon so that it can be moved and the carpet dried thoroughly before the tank is re set up and the fish are moved back to their home....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you sooooooo much!

RIP-Mono Argentus :-(
Take the filter & media from the leaking tank, run it on the one you have set up as a temporary home. The filter media is what cycles, not the water or tank. Having never done brackish, but having buddies who have, try your best to match the sg of the water in the new tank, as well as temperature.
take some of the media from the 55 gallon and put it in the emergency tank, hopefully the bacteria will keep the ammonia level down and the fish wont stress much more.

another thing is try and leavy the fish alone and not disturb them to much let them relax
Thank for the advice.

I made sure to add stress coat to both the tanks after the fish were moved.

Everyone seems to be settling in... the one fish is still upside down and breathing heavily...but I'm hoping he'll calm down and be alright....

If anything else comes up I'll be sure to post! Thanks for the quick response!
an air tubing what to an air stone you lost me a bit

Yeah it was attatched to an air stone inside the tank.....

and I know my bad.. putting the pump lower than the tank... but I didn't have any other place to set it...

She's never chewed through the air tubing on my 29 gallon...

The floor is dry now... luckily we didn't have to tear up the carpet...

I lost two fish total from the incident.... so now I'm getting ready to reset up my 55 gal and cycle it ^^

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