Emergency - Need Help


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I was setting up my new marine tank tonight and I had half my hand in the water for about 20mins as I was slowly adding salt to mix it in, my whole hand has a massive rash, like white bubbles on my skin which is all red. Is the salt you mix in your water dangerous in anyway? Its night time here in aus so no doctors are open besides the hospital lol. The rash looks really really bad
Salt is very corosive and will cause a serious burn if left in contact for 2 long. half an hour is a long time to be in direct contact :(. I suggest you make sure the hand is fully washed so there is no salt residue left to eat into the skin! Run under lots of cool/cold water to remove the residue. DONT add and creams or potions to your skin. If you have some blistering wrap in cling film to help keep out the germs . and get to a Emergency room as soon as you can for proper treatment. Hopefully it will only be minor and more of a skin reaction than a burn but its best to get in checked out ASAP.
Can you post some pics of your hand?

As has been said with this being a chemical burn, wash with cold water for a min of 15mins and dab dry. As you have not removed all the bacteria from the affected area you will create a wicked breeding ground if you dress with cling film. Doctors use hydrocolloid dressings and clear film, the difference is these are all antibacterial

Do you have any paraffin dressings?
the bubbles have almost gone away, still a few marks, I have washed it clean. I think it was more of a reaction and not any burns (thank god), next time I wont leave my hand in their so long. Thanks for your replys
If you do have a reaction it may be worth buying some powderless latex gloves. Glad all is good! :good:
Gloves is always a good idea in a marine tank.

I am wondering if there was already some live rock or anything else in the tank. Synthetic sea salt should match real saltwater as much as possible so if you don't have problems with salt water on the beach, I am relly puzzled.

I always mix the brackish water with my hands and they exist some dermatologist therapy with sea water, also with marine salt, so I am really astonished that it should with you being the other way round?

At least, tomorrow I'll buy my first live rock. Hopefully, I remember your post then and keep this time my fins out of the water!

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