Emergency Jarring


Former Betta Breeder
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Utah, U.S.
My eldest batch of fry are six weeks old now (as of this last Saturday), and, upon my lengthy daily inspection, I noticed that one of them had many tatters in his (her?) fins, and then I noticed the reason: numerous other Bettas were picking on the little baby. So I prepared a jar full of tank water, fished out the picked-on fry, and officially jarred my first fry.

Is it too soon? This little baby's anal fin is a bit tattered, and I actually found him/her hiding huddled inside the janitor snail's shell.
awwww,no,it's not too soon.It's just on time. But have fun with the jars :lol: With jarred bettas you'll always have something to do :p You may want to go ahead and jar the aggressive one(s) as well.
Ah, thank God! I was terrified it was too soon!

Looks like I'm going to be up to my nose in jars by the end of the day.... ;)

Any suggestions on how to ease the transition for these little guys? I've heard it can be pretty traumatic.
I keep them by the grow out for a couple of days because they get extremely pouty.

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