Emergency! Fish Needs Re-Homing


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2009
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hi guys and girls.

you could be in for a real treat, if you live in the united kingdom. and live near to kent you could
be the proud new owner of a 4-5 inch red finned shark
not sure if its a male or a female... would guess its a male.
he is fin perfect and is full of energy and is illness/disease free.
the reason he is being sent packing lol is because as he gets more mature he is attacking all my other small fish.
obviously i cant have that continue.
as he has already cost me an albino tiger barb (dead), and a kissing gourami with a tail injury.
so he has to go.
and i dont have a spare tank for him.
he ideally needs to be homed with fish slightly larger than himself and fish that are semi aggresive to balance it out with their new tank mate.
he can be homed with a plecy, but not any of his own kind. and no snails...he ate mine lol
he eats pleco wafers and loves his live food.
here is a picture of the fish itself.



wb if your interested.
many thanks.
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