Emergency - Dying Coral Beauty


Fish Crazy
Jan 6, 2010
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I have a coral beauty with a damaged gill, that has then gone on to a bacterial infection. It was eating normally until yesterday and this morning it's lying on a rock at the back and barely breathing. I don't know what to do.
Remove it Nat to another container and then treat for infection - make sure there is lots of airation of the water

Seffie x
Remove it Nat to another container and then treat for infection - make sure there is lots of airation of the water

Seffie x

Hi Seffie,
Thanks for your reply. Is Melafix what I should use to treat the infection?
Yes Nat, think you can use it in the tank (based on tea tree oil) but I wouldn't risk it

Seffie x
Sorry. This happens sometimes. Marine fish are much more of a challenge to treat, IMO , compared to FW. SH
Melefix is made from Teatree oil which is a natural anti bacterial remedy - to get the right antibiotics in the UK from your vet (who is likely to have less experience with fish than we do!)would be a nightmare! So, the next best thing would be the Teatree IMO

However, I would have to agree with SH - I wonder how many people have treated Marine fish successfully :sad:

Seffie x

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