Emergency!-ammano Shrimp


Fish Connoisseur
Jul 23, 2006
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Does anyone who keeps amano shrimp feed them live food? I have two floating in a bag in my triops tank and they are about two inches. Trouble is all my triops are smaller than them at the moment! I need to know if they will eat the triops.

If they do i will have to put them in my main tank, with a featherfin syno who is 5 inches. They are bigger than a couple of my tetras, so theres a really good chance they wont be eaten.

Please help, i have started to acclimatise them to the triops tank, but i really need to know if this will work!

p.s. previously posted this in the emergencies section, so sorry for double posting :look: .
I don't really feed live food (apart from the occasional scoop of mosquito larvae or bloodworms to my fish), my amano shrimp mostly live off algae wafers and catfish pelets :) .
Well luckily all of my triops are bigger than boodworms :) ...the smallest is just under a quarter of the biggest amano i have and the biggest is just over half the size(excluding tail).
Thanks for answering so fast people! :D

They seem ok, and i appear to have one male and one female shrimp, the biggest being the male(i think its that way round anyway...). No conflicts in this first 15 mins. The large shrimp is on the sponge filter and the small one in a pot. It has even swam over the smallest triops without paying much notice.

Im hoping that because the triops are able to swim away/put up a fight that the shrimp wont bother :good: .

I feed my triops cucumber and catfish pellets, and there was quite alot of algea on the pot i put in the tank, so food wise i think im sorted :).

Heh, one of the shrimp is actually eating a catfish pellet that the triops have missed right now XD.
Happy in her/his new home:

If you look closely you can see the triops(who's half the size) going after the shrimps antenna :lol: . Shrimp sorted him out though:
I hate it when people post really good,clear pictures.
Makes me so jealous :-(

BTW i think amano shrimps only eat certain types of algae. Not sure which though

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