Emergancy rehoming

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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New Member
Jul 8, 2004
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A friend who is relatively new to fish keeping called me the other day and said....."HELP I brought these new fish which the shop said would be fine but they are killing all their tank mates!"

So I jump in the car and race to his house to have a look. First think I see looks like 3 cichlids which I can't identify at first (but a bit of searching on the net identified them as Freiberg's Peacock Cichlids). Although they are typical cichlids they are still only little and not as aggressive as some. And going by the complete lack of fins anywhere in his tank I guess there must be more than I can see.

I asked him how many he had brought and he said "3 of them and 1 other". Helpful I thought and made a mental note to tell him about writing names of fish down and then researching them before buying. After a few mins further looking out from behind the bog wood swims a Jewel Cichlid.

Several hours with a net later and I have 1 Jewel in my quaranteen tank and 3 Freibergs in my gourami tank.

All 4 need new homes and are going free to anyone in and arround coventry who can provide them a good home.


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