Emerald Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2006
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Lakewood, CA
can emerald crabs hold there own in a tank with a sixline wrasse, royal gamma, and 2 clowns? im thinkin of getting like 2 for my hair algae. now besides that, u can just put some dried seaweed in the tank to supplement them correct? if anyone knows anything else i should know let me know thx
I'm pretty sure those fish are all invert safe. I know for sure that the wrasse and clowns are. I have an emerald crab in with my sixline and clowns. I'm pretty sure the royal is too, but I don't have one personally.

Not all emerald crabs are algae eaters, though. I think it's pretty much a crap shoot whether you get one that will eat algae.
The crab would live just fine with those tank mates, but even if it did eat algae, emerald crabs typically only eat Bubble algae, not hair algae. THey'll rip up algae near an overhanging rock edge, but wont eat it and wont clean the whole rock.
ok so there kinda of scavengers like most crabs. so besides the brine shrimp i feed my fish, and some alage off rocks, will the dried seawees be good as well then to add or not?
wow really? i read they can eat small fish. inverts i have snails, hermits, and a pom pom crab. u think he'll be ok or possible meal?
Hmmm...I've never heard of an emerald acting so dastardly....I wonder if the shrimp wasn't dead before the crab got to it. My two emeralds are two of the meekest, shy critters in my tank. Any of my fish swim near them, the duck in the nearest hole. I really can't recall of anyone else having a problem with them.....
Problem is, there is an imposter type of rock crab that looks just like a Mythrax (emerald) crab, often mis-represented. The imposters can be NASTY
I only witnessed my emeralde at a fish once... my beloved flame angel :angry:

Nowbefore you go and start throwing out your mithraxs be aware that it was only doing what comes naturally...

My flame was in completel health and was swimming around the tank(this was many yearts ago when i had my first 40 gallons system) . I got up from desk which is beside the tank and went to answer the door. When ireturned i found the mithrax eating the angels face!!!! What had happened in that split second was the angel darted into a bolt hole (probably as i got up to answer the door) but iin doing so it got its gill spikes caught between 2 rocks and was unable to back out. The crab even though its known as a algea muncher i only did what all crabs do and that is be the ultimate opportunist. A free lunch that couldnot escape... better than breaking boring algae off the rocks all day long! In the few momentsit took me to return to my desk the crab had done its work and killed the fish. Now is the crab a fish hunter? I think not.. just one of those trgic circumstances. The crab lived in harmony with the rest of my fish for a long while after and it never did attack another fish.

Saying that, there are mimic that are sold as emeralds and are obviously not.. If you want to see if the crab is more suited to a life of algae grazing rather than hunting then take a look at its claws...

If the ends of the claws are flattened and end in small spoon like tips then its an algae grazer primarily. If it ends in points then its ahunter and should be avoided.

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