Emerald Crabs With Skunk Cleaner Shrimp?


New Member
Jun 30, 2009
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Due to my algae problem in my tank I've been advised to get some emerald crabs at my lfs. Only problem is some I have seen are on the big side which makes me worry my shrimp may be a potential meal! :look: Am I ok to get about 3-4 emerald crabs, I have a 180l tank. I did have red leg hermit crabs but they didn't do a very good job at all.
The thing with crabs is that as long as they have an easy food source they are not a problem. However when the food runs low and they have to actually scavenge they turn into demon creatures which will destroy everything and anything to survive. Just think is there enough food to last as a continuous source if so no problems. If not then think twice. Apparently emeralds are "mega munchers" (I quote Seffie on that ) and usually just the one should do. I woud suggest getting one or two and seeing how they go over say 2-4 weeks then re-evaluate.

Hope this helps

I have one in my 30 gallon and hes or she lol is doing great, I havent noticed it bothering anything, and if you look real close at the claws they are kinda scooped like a spoon, I see it constantly picking at algae and havent noticed it eating anything else, I have had fish food fall on the rocks near it and it doesnt pay it any attention. Hope this helps
I find that the micro hermits, like the red legs, aren't the greatest at cleaning up macro algaes like hair and bubble. When I had tibicans hermits, they seemed to actively seek it out, using their larger claw to scrape it off the rocks. Mithrax will eat algae with glee. As they can grow quite considerably, I'd just get the one to begin with. leave it a few weeks as Joe suggests and see how much it has consumed. If its winning the battle against the hair algae for you, then all well and good. If after a couple of weeks the hair algae is growing as quick as the mithrax is eating it, then maybe invest in another one. Get a good sized one to begin with. No point in getting one small one, only to get another crab to control the algae and they both grow large and potentially run into problems further down the line.

It might also be worth looking at your stocking and subsequent nitrate/phosphate levels. You could also try introducing macro algaes like chaetomorpha which will compete with the hair algae for these nutrients. You can grow this in a sump if you have one. All you need is a light source for it. The mithrax won't touch the chaeto. I have a big ball of it next to where my emerald crab likes to hang out and never had a problem.
:lol: yep 'mega munchers' and as others have said, just buy one and see how it goes - would be very surprised indeed if you needed more than one in a 180

Seffie x
Thanks guys, unfortunately today in the lfs they didn't have any in. I've heard people buy inverts online to have them delivered to their houses, is this ok to do?! Any recommendations for websites I could order from. I think I'll get two of them as there i'd consider it to be a bad breakout of algae.

As for photos in my journal I'll take some for you all now! I've been a bit embarrassed about the green growth everywhere, apart from that I love how the tank looks!

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