Emerald Corys

well if there new they will just be hide,ing untill they get used to there new inviroment :good:
yea some fish are like that my spotted raphel catfish never moves sometimes i have to check to see if hes dead lol he moves to get his pellets then back to his hiding spot
Could also be the fact that theres only 2 of them in the tank...
They need some private time alone ;). If you get more emerald corys, then they'll come out and school. Also, how much did you pay for yours, mine were around $5 each.
i think mine were like 2 for 5......and i have tons of corys now, and all of them come out except the emeralds. i have spotte corys, panda corys, emerald corys and one other kind to i think.
i think mine were like 2 for 5......and i have tons of corys now, and all of them come out except the emeralds. i have spotte corys, panda corys, emerald corys and one other kind to i think.

try adding more emeralds

all of my cory's school together, no idea why yours don't :X
Hi bigdave2009 :)

Your emerald corys are not even a corydoras species. They are a brochis. Check this link out, including Ilya's beautiful B. splendens:


Are your fish healthy and well fed? They should naturally be more outgoing, but I would be surprised if you see them schooling with pandas or other fish that are much smaller than they are. If you have room, the best thing for them would be to add a few more.

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