Ember Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2011
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I just got 7 Ember tetras yesterday, 6 have settled in well, 1 still not all that happy.

Anyway, they are so TINY! I'm feeding them micro-pellets but even these might be a bit big? They seem to eat them, then spit them out...

I'm worried all my foods are too big for them?? They are so small!!! :blink:

Does anyone have Embers? What do you feed them?



I just got 7 Ember tetras yesterday, 6 have settled in well, 1 still not all that happy.

Anyway, they are so TINY! I'm feeding them micro-pellets but even these might be a bit big? They seem to eat them, then spit them out...

I'm worried all my foods are too big for them?? They are so small!!! :blink:

Does anyone have Embers? What do you feed them?



I feed mine New Life Spectrum flake food. I crush up the flake somewhat and they eat it just fine. Are they not just the cutest fish? Lol, I love mine!
They are very cute. I'm already thinking of getting more..... I'll try crushing some flakes for them at dinner time.

If you're feeding plain flake and pellet food then ensure they get a few good live or frozen foods supplemented into their diet, before I switched to New Life Spectrum products I was feeding: Powdered flake, Hikari micro pellets, Blood Worms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp, Mysis Shrimp, Infusoria etc, you might struggle to get them on Blood Worms whilst they're small but mine eat them at the moment and they're still not fully grown, if you can get some baby brine shrimp if they'd struggle with standard Brine Shrimp or feed Mysis instead as it's a lot smaller. It should be noted though that Brine Shrimp and Mysis Shrimp that come frozen are of little value nutritionally, so shouldn't be fed often.
If you're feeding plain flake and pellet food then ensure they get a few good live or frozen foods supplemented into their diet, before I switched to New Life Spectrum products I was feeding: Powdered flake, Hikari micro pellets, Blood Worms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp, Mysis Shrimp, Infusoria etc, you might struggle to get them on Blood Worms whilst they're small but mine eat them at the moment and they're still not fully grown, if you can get some baby brine shrimp if they'd struggle with standard Brine Shrimp or feed Mysis instead as it's a lot smaller. It should be noted though that Brine Shrimp and Mysis Shrimp that come frozen are of little value nutritionally, so shouldn't be fed often.

Thanks for the advice. I've yet to find any live foods... I have been feeding frozen brine shrimp once or twice a week and all the fish seem to love it!


If you're feeding plain flake and pellet food then ensure they get a few good live or frozen foods supplemented into their diet, before I switched to New Life Spectrum products I was feeding: Powdered flake, Hikari micro pellets, Blood Worms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp, Mysis Shrimp, Infusoria etc, you might struggle to get them on Blood Worms whilst they're small but mine eat them at the moment and they're still not fully grown, if you can get some baby brine shrimp if they'd struggle with standard Brine Shrimp or feed Mysis instead as it's a lot smaller. It should be noted though that Brine Shrimp and Mysis Shrimp that come frozen are of little value nutritionally, so shouldn't be fed often.

Thanks for the advice. I've yet to find any live foods... I have been feeding frozen brine shrimp once or twice a week and all the fish seem to love it!


I did get some more! They are so small.... Now I've got a dozen!


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