Ember Tetras

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
N. Wales
I am setting up a 60l tank that will essentially be a planted landscape. What I am after is a shoal of small, inconspicuous fish to compliment the scape and Ember Tetras came to mind. What is the maximum they will grow to? Lemon Tetras also look ideal, but they may get too big. Can anybody recommend any others that might be siutable?

I have done my research, but sometimes the size given doesn`t correspond to the reality.

Cheers, Dave.
I've heard ember tetras get to 0.75 inches, but I've never seen them that big.
My lfs has some in and they are all 0.5 inches :good:.
max reported size for Ember tetra Hyphessobrycon amandae is 2cm/0.79"
i have 6 ember tetras just under an inch long
i wold recccomend the peusodmugil rainbow fish range they grow to an inch an a half and they are soo colourful

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