Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and injured himself about four months ago, developed some ulcerations on his belly, and did not recover. The second peppered cat is more of a mystery to me. His spine was a little crooked early on, but has become increasingly bent. His tail has sort of collapsed as well, but until now he has been swimming and eating normally. I noticed him becoming emaciated, and he started to lose his color. Today I found him stuck and unable to swim, and I quarantined him. I’m afraid this little guy’s won’t survive, but could his illness/injury affect my other fish?