Ellobiopsidae - What to do?


Oct 5, 2021
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA, USA
Some of my shrimp have Ellobiopsidae. To me they looked like they had malformed eggs on them. I looked it up and realized I have this problem I saw one resolution that suggested methylene blue, and another a salt bath. Another said nothing really works.

I've pulled 3 out of the main tank and one from another tank I just moved some to.

What should I do?
My water condition is good. I changed it once a week, keep the dGH at about 9. I have worked on keeping these shrimp for a long time and have had great success- most of the shrimp look good, but not sure. NOTE: This has been present for a long time- before I just thought they were funny looking eggs (it's green like the eggs, but not round) so they have survived with it for awhile, but the colony has not grown as I expected it to lately.
Your shrimps have a fuzzy green growth on their body starting near the tail not only the eggs ?

Malformed eggs are near hatching and green eggs are not uncommon for blue shrimps.
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They have green stuff under their body where the eggs would be- I thought they were malformed eggs, but it looks also like that ello-whachacallit. I'll see if I can get a pic. I have been looking every night and haven't found any more with them like that.
Ok, Good observation. The under bellies should be whitish without eggs...

Did you keep the shrimps with green bellies ? The illness will cause weakening and respiratory issues then visible physical exoskeleton damages.

Hope your tank remains clean after the finding.
I got rid of the ones I found. I haven't found others, so knock on wood.
It doesn't seems to be very contagious, but the primary source of infection is habitually from outside the tank.

Have added anything lately ?
Sorry for your loss. But I have to ask, how do you pronounce Ellobiopsidae?
it's weird- most of the shrimp look great. I have lots of little bitty ones, so I know they're reproducing, but I found one other with that funky stuff underneath yesterday. I was unable to get him and it's dang near impossible to find him in all the plants, hardscape and other red shrimp. I'll keep an eye out....

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