"No one is a failure unless you try"
Ellen, the queen of my 10 gallon, was looking really, really swollen yesterday (moreso than usual, hah! She's already a fatty as it is.) It's obviously not dropsy, and she has two distinct "lumps" on either side of her body. I tried backlighting her to see if I could see the eggs, but she's too opaque for that technique. What do you think, is she eggbound, or constipated? I've put her in my 2.5 gallon hospital tank with some salt and will cook her up a pea tonight.
On a side note, I think she's transforming into a gargoyle. Either her top lip is getting really small, or her bottom lip is getting really big (I think it's the former.) She now has a larger-than-normal underbite and looks rather...well... vicious! . It's not lip rot, it's like her lip is just magically shrinking
On a side note, I think she's transforming into a gargoyle. Either her top lip is getting really small, or her bottom lip is getting really big (I think it's the former.) She now has a larger-than-normal underbite and looks rather...well... vicious! . It's not lip rot, it's like her lip is just magically shrinking