Elite Filters - What To Do With The Carbon/zeolite


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2008
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On my smaller tanks (quarantine, emergency and kids tank) I have elite stingray 5 filters. I bought these before I knew much about filtration. I have other larger tanks with better filters in and realise now that these arent very good. But as I have 3 of them I dont want to throw them away. Anyway, I am sure I read on a thread somewhere about the filter media in the plastic basket (not the sponge). I read that someone had taken the basket apart and refilled it themselves rather than keep buying refills.

Ive got to the point where I dont know what to do with these carbon/zeolite refills. Obviously I could keep buying them... replacing them ... but I read somewhere that the carbon/zeolite bit is useless anyway and you might as well throw it away.

So if I do this, do I fill the same space with other media (its a strange crescent shaped space on either side) or shall I just put some carbon and zeolite in one of these baskets after somehow prizing it open or taking a hacksaw to it?
Carbon should only be used to remove medications/ chemicals in the water. Most people don't bother about it because water changes will dilute medications and carbon will absorb plant fertilisers.
Zeolite is used to absorb ammonia from fresh water. It can be recharged in salt water and then reused in fresh. It is best used in quarantine tanks to prevent ammonia levels from building up when an established biological filter is not available. An ammonia alert badge or regular testing for ammonia should be carried out to make sure the zeolite is not full and need replacing.

You can use a fine mesh fish net or a leg of some pantyhose to put carbon/ zeolite in. You can also buy special mesh bags from most fish shops but they are expensive. Most people simply remove them from the filter and replace them with a sponge or some ceramic noodles/ beads.

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