Elephant-nosed Fish?


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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I was going to start an aquarium with one of these fish i was wondering if there is anything i should know about?
ive got an elephant nose fish and they are gorgeous!

he gets on well with all of his tank mates (although is a little shy and likes to hide alot)

he eats frozen bloodworm

although the pet shop did tellme that they are very sensitive to any water treatments so if you plan on treating something maybe take him out first

someone told me they are very hard to keep but so far so good :good:
Ya they are REALLY sensitive to copper from what i've read thanks a lot!
They are more active at night. I used to have a blue light to simulate moonlight, that went on for a couple hours after lights out. A good time to feed it aswell, especially if you have livefoods and you don't want the other fish to get it all first

Some medicines specifically mention not to be used with these. Probably a good idea to filter the tank with carbon as a precaution
These are hard fish to keep alive, mine lasted 2 years, a bit longer. Not close to their lifespan of 15 years.

They are hard to get feeding and only take 'worm like' foods and are easily out competed.

I've seen loads of these, just not getting any as they are hard to keep. I think all are wild caught? So may need live food to start with, before being weened onto frozen foods.

Yes, they are sensitive to medications, though there are ones fine, I'd run a UV filter to stop parasites anyway.

The ones I see in LFS also shoal, not to sure on this though.

Overall a very nice fish though I just think you shouldn't get a fish that probably won't survive.

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