Elephant Nose

What else is in there?

180L is pretty small, I'd suggest a single specimen, or if heavily planted a group of 3 max.
You're massively overstocked already.

Clown loaches need to be kept in groups, and even three specimens would need a tank 250 litres or bigger. Not sure what a "black fin shark" might be, since various fish have been put under this name. But if you mean Balantiocheilus melanopterus, then that's another big, schooling fish that needs a much bigger tank than you have.

Apteronotus albifrons get to 40-50 cm if kept properly, and again, need a much larger tank than you have.

Elephantnoses don't mix with catfish or loaches. The problem is that they are very slow feeders, and the VAST majority of specimens sold to inexpert aquarists starve to death. Elephantnoses need tanks with a sand (not gravel) substrate, and will need to be feed lots of small frozen or live invertebrates such as tubifex, bloodworms and mosquito larvae. They don't eat dried foods and they don't compete well with other bottom feeders. Ideally, they're kept alone, but alternatively with midwater fish that ignore food on the bottom. Danios, tetras, hatchetfish, halfbeaks, Asian killifish, etc. would all be good choices.

Cheers, Neale

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