Elephant nose in trouble.


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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Hi everyone. I've just joined the forum cause I'm in urgent need of assistance. I recently (a week ago) bought an elephant nose fish. When I checked on my baby this morning he was fine but when I got home this afternoon it was ill. The best way to describe it is to say that his usually black nose is now white and red. The white bits at the end of the tail look like he is disintergrating. His tail and fins also are surrounded by like a white cloud almost, I suppose that is fungus. The fins and tail look like they have all split apart, it looks torn and raggy. I am %90 sure the other fish weren't attacking it until this red colour and rotting nose appeared. As isay he was fine this morning, I love my elephant nose. I really really dont want him to die please could somebody help?

What other fish is he in with? Could big mouth rot, as well as tail rot. What are the parameters of the water? Elephant noses are very very sensitive. I couldn't tell ya for sure, as I don't have one of these guys, but those are my guesses.

Please can you tell us your location so that if a medication is needed one that is available in your country can be advised on. We also need to know the ammonia nitrIte and nitrAte readings from your tank.

Elephant nose fish are very sensative to water conditions (so much so that some water companies use them to detect minute changes in the water quality) and need to have very stable water parameters to thrive.

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