Elephant Fish?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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I have a elephant Fish and something CFC said as had me thinking,he was on about if you get white spot in the tank you can,t treat the tank with the elephant fish in .Someone did this in a thread i read and he said the white spot treatment burnt the skin of the fish and it died.

Can elephant fish get white spot and if so how do you treat them for it?

I haven,t got white spot but I was wondering what to do if I got it in the tank with the elephant fish.
If you suffer a outbreak of ICH/whitespot in a tank containing copper intolerent species such as Mormyrids (elephant nose fish) then the best thing to do is remove the intolerent fish to a seperate tank where it can be treated using either natural remedies such as raised temperature, water changes and salt or use one of the copper free treatments that are available for treating these fish, however these are not easily obtainable and are very expensive as they are designed for treatment of sharks and rays in vetinary practise.
Thanx Dean, I,d better keep that tank clean then :thumbs:

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