ok, i am new on here. this is the deal. i know this fish is an eleotris picta. i figured i could try to find out some info since everyone on here seems to know a lot about fish. we have a jaguar cichlid, oscar, tilapia butti, and some small jack dempsey's, green terror, and a texas cichlid. anyway, my husband got this eleotris picta at the lfs and didn't really know much about it, but thought we could find out info online once we got home. note: the lfs was about 1hr 20 min. away, so we couldn't go read about it first and go back right after. we can't find any info about compatibilty with other fish, etc. we can find scientific info but no info about other pple's experiences with these kind of fish. please help me if you can. we originally put him in the tank with our larger jag, and the thing was chasing our jag(who is pretty evil) all over the tank within 20 minutes of putting him in there. i just don't know if he can do any harm to our jag. he is kind of our baby and we wouldn't want him to get hurt. any info would be greatly appreciated.