Elegance Coral Is Fading


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys,

I started to feel that there is a problem with my elegance coral.
I had it for about 12 days, and it was looking great until recently it started to fade.
I had plans to use something like this to kill all the parasites, if there is any


and give it an iodine bath but I am not sure how? Can u help me please?

Also are these the right steps and is there anything else I can do?

Thank you very much.


I am not aware of any treatments for diseased elegance corals (the "elegance coral syndrome" disease is internal, and causes the coral to sting itself). However, could it just be habitually deflated? SkiFletch posted an artical on this a while ago... search for topics by him.
Thanks, I read already everything I could about it, I understand that there is a desease that just kills it.
I am just asking for help so maybe somebody had simular problem and find out the way how to cure it.

I wish we could help..honestly..but it is a known fact that these corals die in captivity. There are many of these corals under study to find out why. My only recs would be the same as for any coral but...I don't think it will help. SH
Thats ECS for sure, sorry :(

Lynden alluded to it, but here's the full article he was talking about. Good news, although not firmly identified, the pathogen responsible for ECS will eventually perish without a host. Bad news, the coral is doomed, I'm sorry :(. From the looks of it, I'd give it a month, maybe two before it withers away and dies on you. Lost my first Elegance to ECS without knowing what it was.

Tough part here is that when you purchased the coral, it was showing no warning signs of ECS. Likely it was infected at the wholesaler, and/or your LFS before it made it to your tank. Where did you get it from? And if possible, can you track down its origins (indonesia, coral sea, australia)? It appears that ECS infected corals come from a few wholesalers in Indonesia, especially those from Jakarta. The real big problem though can exhist at the LFS. Its possible their tank is infected as well and if they keep moving elegance corals in through the shop, they could easily sustain a population of the pathogen. Selling seemingly healthy corals that are unknowingly infected.

My own LFS a few months back stopped selling them all together, allowed their tanks to be elegance free, and now only stocks elegance from Australia and/or the coral sea. No troubles with the Elegances they sell now.

Hope that helped.

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