Electric Yellow


New Member
Feb 24, 2004
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Southampton, England
I am setting up my new aquarium and my intention is to have around 5 clown loaches and 2 dwarf plecs or 1 common plec. I haven't decided on others yet.

I have seen the lake malawi electric yellow cichlid and really like the look they give to aquariums. can i mix these with the other fish i want, or can anyone suggest other fish to mix it with.

Once again I would advise against the common pleco... And that is too many algea eaters I would say... 1 dwarf is enough in a 75... really don't get a common pleco. I made that mistake myself and in 6 months he was larger than the salmon on my dinner plate and his poo was longer than my leg.
I have never had loaches... but that would be my first choice now after reading so many good things about them here.
Otherwise from what I know that set up would be no problem
I happen to just put my set up which is also centered on EY..

what size tank are you looking at?
I think you could do what I did with a 55 or a 40 breeder with lots of dividers...
but a 55 is almost the same cost and is the same length as a 75 :)

20 Long Might work if you have Lots of rock and or plastic plants or funky pvc pipes to hide in... (but only one bottom feeder MAX if you go this route!)

1male 2 females would be the best... or if you dont want the hastle of lots of fry... 2 fems is ok.
Even a 20 gallon long is too small for Labs IMO, but then, it would be even worse for clown loaches. Because of the clowns I imagine you are looking at a decent size tank anyway, so you should be ok.
I already have the tank, Its a 120 litre, or 32(us) gallons, 23 (uk)gallons.

I'm glad i can mix the cichlids in. I was considering having a cichlid only tank if i couldn't mix them.

thanks for your advice, I will probably go with the one dwarf plec.

i think u should do a full malawi settup with the sand substrate and lots of rocks and some plants with no fish in it it looks pretty plain but when i added myyellow labs they set the tank of i would recommend a school of them and some blue fish and others u like to. but thats just me :D
I now have my tank, see pic below, its empty while i cycle it, but i am now considering the above advice and just having cichlids, i'm not sure though.

thats a pretty nice tank i like the plant and pot.. nice touch but i think more rock would make it look even better just normal kinda jagged not round rocks from outside just make sure u boil them first and do a vinegar check on them and i the cichlids would look nice maybe 4 yellow labs and some other ones but to make it look best it is best to even your colors i added a tret for the blue and a brichardi for its lovly find and features and i added a altolamprologus compressicep becaase they facinate me and r remarkable fish :D
African cichlids like hiding spots, and it's good to provide a number of them. Adding more rocks would provide this and at the same time fill in the tank nicely.

If you are interested in African cichlids the best thing you can do is learn as much as you can about the. You'll find this is a good start.

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