guess that i should correct one thing. they usually create a birthing pit in the gravel near their cave to lay their eggs. plants, real or fake, are a pain cause you are always finding them floating ot the top. make sure that they are secured to something that will keep the roots or ends of the plants in the substrate. you do not only need to have rocks in the aquarium. that is just their natural habitat. a plec will be okay but not neccessary. if you are looking to control the algae on the glass the fish that i prefer for that in a mbuna tank is the vc-10, or placidochromis milomo. very speedy as their trade name indicates and they love to scrape the algae off the glass, rocks or decor. they live for the stuff. can also be kept by themselves as they are usually found alone in the wild. only look for others when mating and after the mating is done they go their seperate ways.
would not reccommend 2 females to 1 male. atleast 3 females to keep down the aggression. the more females the better. 5 is usually reccommended.
sorry for the long posts the brain gets away from me lately
semper fi