Electric Yellow Labido


May 18, 2003
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Canada, Ontario
I'm thinking of getting some of these fish! I want to know all I can about them first! Here are some things I really want to know!

Compatable (schooling?):

Any help is greatly appreciated!
the yellow lab, labidochromis caeruleus, is from lake malawi in africa. it is an mbuna which means it is a rock dweller. the mbuna are the more aggressive of the malawi. it is a mouthbrooder. meanning that the female will lay the eggs the male will swim over the eggs and fertilize them and then the female will take the clutch of eggs into her mouth where the babies are born. a female will usually hold about 3 weeks. the fry are then released from the females mouth. females will need time to recuperate after holding as they usually do not eat during this time. the eggs are tumbled by the female in her mouth. when a female does have eggs in her mouth some breeders will strip the females of their eggs. the female is netted and her mouth is opened and the eggs are taken out of the females mouth. the eggs are then placed in a tumbler to simulate the females mouth until they hatch.

mbunas are best fed vegetable based flake or pellets. pellets need to be soaked in tank water to soften and then deposted into the tank. mbunas do require small amounts of protein in their diets also. a protein feeding of about once a week is sufficient. if fed protein more often they can develop malawi bloat. the fish is basically constipated from the protein which can be fatal.

mbunas are harem breeders and males are best kept with 3-5 females. the more females the less aggressive. they will crossbreed so are best also kept in a species only tank to ensure that there is no cross breeding occuring. males will fight with each other for control over females. females that are unwilling to mate with males are often killed. yellow labs can mate at about 3 inches or so.

since they are rock dxdwellers, they do best in a rock environment with lots of hidey holes for the females to seek refuge from a mating male. the fry are spawned in caves. plants do not fare well in mbuna tanks as they are known for their digging. also ugf filtration systems are ineffective.

overstocking an mbuna tank does tone down the aggression level. tanks are best kept between 74-80 degrees. they do prefer higher ph levels of 7.0 to 7.5.

did i miss anything?

semper fi
about 3 - 4 inches. pretty little fish but it is rather shy in a community tank. males can be guesstimated by the wide black stripe on the dorsal fin. it is broader in the males than in the females.

semper fi
Thanks, Does that mean I should ONLY have rocks in the tank? I wouldn't put in any real plants just some fake ones. Also would a bristlenose pelco be able to go in with them, and would a community of 1 male and 2 females be ok?
guess that i should correct one thing. they usually create a birthing pit in the gravel near their cave to lay their eggs. plants, real or fake, are a pain cause you are always finding them floating ot the top. make sure that they are secured to something that will keep the roots or ends of the plants in the substrate. you do not only need to have rocks in the aquarium. that is just their natural habitat. a plec will be okay but not neccessary. if you are looking to control the algae on the glass the fish that i prefer for that in a mbuna tank is the vc-10, or placidochromis milomo. very speedy as their trade name indicates and they love to scrape the algae off the glass, rocks or decor. they live for the stuff. can also be kept by themselves as they are usually found alone in the wild. only look for others when mating and after the mating is done they go their seperate ways.

would not reccommend 2 females to 1 male. atleast 3 females to keep down the aggression. the more females the better. 5 is usually reccommended.

sorry for the long posts the brain gets away from me lately

semper fi
Now that we have our semper back.....looks like I can take a vacation!!! :D :D :lol: :lol:

hey that is mags to you and don't think you can start slacking off. gotta have someone finning what i miss! was going to suggest you as a lab supplier.

since i got your attention, since when did labs get referred to as labidos? someone's warped sensse of humor that caught on?

semper fi
Watch out everyone..........MAGS" is back!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :p :p :lol:

As for the "labido" nomenclature......it's been around for awhile....just not used to often. Seeing as how this is a family site....that's about as much as I can say ;) ;) ;)


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